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AMD X2 Overclocking Discussion Thread


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i havnt seen one of these & thought we should have one, right?.


please post the model/stepping if possible i.e. mines X2 4200 - ADBHE 0514UPAW & please keep SS 800x600 or less

also thought it would be useful for new members/X2 owners to compare clocks & get help overclocking them ;)


post away :nod:

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4400+ CCBWE 0525UPMW


Max stable on the processor was 285x10 @ 1.75 volts, just having issues getting the memory to run while set at that speed.


Currently running stable with 270x10 @ 1.65 volts, never peaks above 26C running dual Prime.


Edit: Sorry, IHS is removed on mine as well, and runs fine at as little as 1.55 volts, but I prefer the added 'safety' of extra voltage. Figure I don't have to worry since I have watercooling anyways. Should suffice til the FX60 comes out....

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First thing tatts, great idea for this thread. Thank You. :nod:

Just got done with my first DFI build (2nd ever). It went smooth as eel snot. I love this board already! I've been burning it in for about a week at stock and letting the thermal paste set up, etc. Decided to dual Prime it at stock just to learn how its done, get a feel for temps, and in general learn my way around the board, bios, etc. Pretty basic rig with stock HSF cooling (don't laugh please). Couldn't stand it though and had to play some Far Cry, HL2, and COD2. It cut thru COD2 like butta, and that game wrung out my old 6800GT. To the meat:


After reading all the guides here and elsewhere till my eyes hurt, I took the first step (...one infinitesmal step for mankind, one giant step for man...).


Set my Vcore up a bit to 1.35 and dove right in to a massive 210 FSB (you experts should now be ROFL) to seek my CPU max. I'm now 4 hours into a dual prime torture test and will let it run till morning. I'm a bit anal at the mo', and will do this O/C by the book (sorta) till I get a feel for O/C. My temps on the stock HSF after 4 hours Prime as measured by SmartGuardian are 31/30/43 idle, 44/39/45 load (ambient 70F, forgot how to convert to centigrade). I can tell I aint gonna get far with this cooling, but we'll see.

How do those temps look given my crappy cooling?

My next step will be another whopper to 220 FSB. Should I leave Vcore at 1.35 or bump to 1.4? I'm assuming I should be safe to 50C oon the CPU.

One noobish question...I set the DRAM ratio to 200(1/01), the rest settings on AUTO...will the bios adjust the RAM speed to 210, 220, etc with these settings, or do I have to set this up manually. THe way I understand it is the board will do it automatically at these settings since my RAM is good to 250. Thanks in advance.

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nice pc man...i wouldnt risk the headache of going to nuts before u burn something out for 10 percent performance if that.atleast get some better cooling if your going go higher.again nice pc man....

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squid, them temps arnt too bad and aslong as you keep it below 50C load you should be fine ;) thermalright xp90 or si-120 would be a nice investment for it :D

if your ram i on 1:1 then it will run at whatever fsb you set for the cpu in the bios.

as for OC, i have my own way of doing it now and dont run prime everytime i raise the fsb slightly as it would take me months lol

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ive hit a weird problem with mine, 11x256 (2.81ghz) passes on core 1 @ 1.55V but core 2 fails within 2 minutes even @ 1.62V, changed it to 11x255 (2.8ghz) and its now been priming on both cores for 1 hour with no problems :confused:

surely 10mhz cant have that kind of affect and the cpu is still only 36C under load, suppose im gonna stick the ram on a divider with very slack timings & low ldt multi and hope it works (i hate problems lol)


EDIT: now running 11x257 (2.83ghz) dropped the ldt to 3x, ram on a 180 divider and slackened the timings slightly and its now going strong :D

seems core 2 is a little sensitive to ram tho :(

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extreme: i hear ya. I'm gonna be careful. and that rig of yours ain't chopped liver....4 gigs, eh!


tatts: thanks for the tips. I finally noticed the RAM speed in cpuz. yeah, you're right on the cooling, but it will have to wait...blew my wad on what I have now and the wifey comes next. i'll stay out of your way unless something crazy happens. enjoy reading how others work things out...i'm learnin at light speed. your o/c is outrageous...i guess thats what good cooling is all about. regards

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