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Think I killed my x2 4200


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Been running my x2 4200 @ 2500 1.55v for about 3 months now. This morning was dozing in bed when I noticed the pc suddenly switch off for no apparant reason. Since then, it wont come back on what so ever. The board is emitting a 2second long pitch again and again. After doing that for 15 sec or so it switches itself off. The monitor does not switch on at any stage.


I've rebuilt it on a worktop with just the needed components (1 dimm, 0 hard drives, etc) and nothings helping. I have cleared CMOS, and swapped PSU, motherboard, RAM, GFX, so really it leaves only the CPU as being dead. I've ordered a hella cheap sempron to test that theory, hopefully be here tommorow.


The purpose of this thread is two fold, firstly to see if anyone has any advice to help me revive the PC. Secondly, if the broken CPU theory is indeed correct, to advise caution on the overvolting of duel core chips.

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If you have eliminated all components as being the problem, and are only left with the CPU (guessing the mobo is ok) then yea its dead.


Maybe you have a buddies computer you can slap the CPU in to confirm.


Im running my volts close to what you were... hopefully nothing happens.

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i am running the same volts to m X2 3800 for about 3 or 4 weeks now...temps are in the normal range, about same as yours were. i did fry my 3800+ venice by overvolting, but that happened instantly by applying way too much volts, it never rebooted again.

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