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9800 Or 9800 Pro


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ok, due to a graduation gift i went out to buy a 9800 non pro i bought it and installed it and using the drivers off the cd and even before i installed them XP found it as a 9800 PRO Sandra finds it as a pro and 3dmark 03-01 find it as a pro without me installing the drivers, i install off the cd and same thing. then i ddloaded the newest drivers and it said i had a 9800 PRO. so is this just a driver issue saying i have a 9800 pro or is it (very wishful thinking) it could actually be a 9800 pro. on 3dmark 01 im getting 16500 to 17000 Non OCd

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:blink: ok i dloaded rivatuner and when it looked up my clock speeds they were WAY off from the sites given speeds. My engine clock is 380Mhz (normal for 9800 PRO) but my memory speeds were only at 295Mhz compared to the sites listed 680Mhz. any ideas

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