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New system problems - BSOD

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I just got this custom computer from Monarch about two weeks ago. The last desktop I had was an Alienware I bought 5 years ago, so I am not too familiar with the technology in some of the components on it (motherboard, gpu, sata) - so please bear with me!


I encountered my first problem when I was playing Half-Life 2, I got a BSOD about 15 minutes after playing and it named the file, nvdisp.dll, as the problem. I brought the issue up with Monarch and they told me to try running Memtest and Prime95. I ran Prime95 for 9 hours with no errors and I ran Memtest for 10 hours (a total of 12 passes) with no errors. On a site note, in NVMonitor, under the Voltages section, it says "if voltage of a component is depicted with a red color, the component is being overstressed and could suffer damage." Mine are as follows:


CPU (Green): 1.4500 V

Core (Red): 1.5304 V

Mem (Red): 2.6240 V


What is going on here? Also, in CPU-Z, the program crashes when I click the "Memory" tab.


I have since played Half-Life 2 several times with no problems, so I wasn't too concerned about these issues. Until earlier today, I was recording audio in Sound Forge from a turntable. After stopping the recording, the computer would freeze for about 5-8 seconds (including mouse) and then resume. It did the same when playing back the recording. After 2 or 3 of these freeze sessions, I got a BSOD saying the file, nvata.sys, was the problem.


Anyone have any ideas?

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How do I find my current BIOS version? Also, how can I tell which nForce drivers I am using? I understand the latest version is 6.70.


ExRoadie: What exactly were you pointing out in your link? My PSU has the 24-pin connector. I see that the recommended PSU is 480W, but would the 30W difference cause these problems? I found that my power supply has a split 12V rail: 12V1 max load: 15A and 12V2 max load: 17A.

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If you break down what your running;4processors,dual core,gpu,XFI,then a raid array,two cd/dvd drives and fans and accys you are pushing that PSU pretty hard and most antec's I've seen read low on there rails any way.

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to find your bios, 2 ways, one at post, you need to disable the logo splash screen or easiest way is to goto system tools/system information from accessories. On the right it will show Bios/Version date the last set of numbers (the date) is your bios version. The correct bios is 623-03 for your board. That is the newest official bios. 1. The default for cpu voltage on that chip is 1.34 to 1.35 so it looks as thought they bumped it. You can also increase the dram volatge to 2.8 to make it more stable. The best way to test memory when you have windows installed is with HCI. It's better than memtest at boot. It will detect errors that prime will not. It is windows based so it can run in the background. Get it at http://hcidesign.com/memtest/download.html Your PSU may be a bit underpowered as DFI says your mobo should have at least a 480 watt PSU. But try what I have suggested. Bump your dram to 2.8 and run HCI for at least 1600% coverage with 0 errors and you can eliminate memory as your problem. Both the newest ref drivers for your chip and card are on Nvidia's web site. Chipset drivers are 6.7's and video are 81.85's. The *nv* errors are a vid driver issue.

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Alright, seeing from what you have in your setup... it could also be the most unpleasant X-Fi - nF4 conflict. Maybe try to remove the X-Fi Platinum soundcard from your computer IF YOU ARE ALLOWED TO (if it is an OEM PC built for you by a company, then you will most probably void the warranty by opening the case... in that case DO NOT even try to do that).


more info about this problem can be found here (scroll down a little bit on the page 15, there is a description of the problem from one of Crreative Labs representatives):

Creative Forums - X-Fi nF4 conflict


just my 2 cents

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JiminyC: Thanks, I am running 6/23/2005 so it looks like I have the latest. Before I read your post, I found a thread with someone who has the same case/psu and has run into similar problems. He concluded that bumping the DRAM to 2.8V fixed his problems. I tried it and it has taken care of my problems, so far! I have been able to record and playback audio without a hitch. I played Half-Life 2 briefly and it seems to be going fine and it looks to have cleared up a slight graphics glitch that I was experiencing before. I will try the HCI test, also.


Dr.Jam: Thanks for that notice. Bumping the DRAM seems to have taken care of the problem. But, if I continue to get errors elsewhere that will be good to know. Creative said mobo manufacturers were releasing updates to fix the issue. I don't believe DFI has yet since the latest BIOS is 6/23/2005 ?


How can I check my current NVIDIA driver versions? I found the video card versions and I am running 81.85, but what about the other? I want to check before I ugrade to 6.7.

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Good to know you have worked it out Ease with a relative ease :)

I hope you won't run into that X-Fi - nF4... and not sure about a BIOS update coming from DFI related to that problem.


Happy problem-free gaming/sound recording to you!!! ;):D

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It won't hurt to update them to 6.7 if you don't know what version you have. When you install them though, only install chipset and smbus. Do not install the ide drivers, the firewall, nor the net management services. They are known to cause troubles.

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Kawasaki 1: Yes, CPU-Z does still crash which bothers me.


JiminyC: What's the best way to go about installing them? I've read of people user Driver Cleaner, is that necessary or can I just run the executable?

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