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And there it is! This morning as I went to game a little bit my rig wouldn’t boot any more. :confused: It would boot until 3 led’s and that’s it! I tried to move the memory all over the place and also tried to boot one sick but unfortunately no luck! After a while and multiple CMOS resets it would boot again so I had the chance to boot from Tmod’s cd and try another BIOS but that didn’t help either. Right now I’m running only the min. hardware and still no luck. Once I a while after pushing the reset button 1 million times it boots ok, straight to windows and everything appears to be ok. I also tried another PSU just to see what would happen but I end up having the same thing! 3 LED’s! Any help would be highly appreciated!


Thanks guys!

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Here is the way to read the Diagnostic LEDs.


4 LEDs on = Power applied

3 LEDs on = CPU has been detected OK

2 LEDs on = RAM has been detected OK

1 LED on = VGA has been detected OK

0 LEDs on = System has booted to the Operating System.


As long as you are in the BIOS including running memtest from the BIOS option, there will be one LED on.


You might want to try a single stick of RAM in each slot. If you do get into the BIOS run memtest to qualify your RAM.

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Well FELAZ! Thanks for all you replies! I have been trying to get it going all day yesterday with no luck. Of course I tried all you suggestions before I even posted here! To post here is the last thing before RMA! I think this is one of the best forums in the world with a lot of skilled people! I know that DFI doesn’t like Corsair ram but what I don’t understand is that it was running ok for a while and than this! I remember having problems with it when I originally built that pc. Back than I took some old ram I had laying around and with this it would boot up right away! I tried this yesterday too but it won’t even boot up with this RAM. :confused:

Right no I’m looking on buying new ram or RMA the board! I tend to do the RAM first because I don’t want to go thought the mess pulling my board out of my stacker.


What would you guys recommend? Any more suggestions on how to fix the boot problem!


Thanks guys! :cool:

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I'm getting the exact same problem, having to perform CMOS resets inorder to boot (with the help of crossing fingers i might ad!)



everything is now set to default, but before i was running ok at 220fsb for over a month, then got the occasional blue screens, now they are more frequent than not. I have now managed to get back into the os succesfully just using banks 1 and 3. (and everything back to default settings now) i also last night had all 4 banks running but with the command per clock settings set to disabled and the ram voltage upped to 2.8v. was running like a dream for hours, decided to leave prime95 running, this morning (BSOD) then it wouldnt post with just 3 lights stuck on.. (not again!!) so a CMOS reset then it would post or sometimes just hang on the lanparty splash screen?? few resets later, and i'm in. has anyone else experienced this / any further info...


btw, x4 banks running at 2T 3-3-3-8 and x2 banks running at 1T 3-3-3-8






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Yeah this sucks buddy! I have to keep pushing the reset button too until I get lucky and get to windows. Today I haven’t been able to boot up yet! I guess I’m getting ready to RMA the board and also to buy different RAM since DFI doesn’t like Corsair!

By the way it doesn’t look like anybody care about our problems too much today! I guess I will wait until tomorrow and try talk to Angry and crew about it! :cool:

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You know some people care and others don't that is life. But it is early AM and Sunday. Even with that you got a couple of responses. Relax.


But since the moderators obviously aren't repsonding fast enough I say we hook up a wireless shock device to them. This way they are alerted to each and every post to this thread instantly and painfully. THis should get you the instant gratification you need.


Don't get mad I am just messing with you ok? :nod:

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Ha Ha good idea with that wireless thing! :shake: Like I already said I’ll wait until tomorrow and than probably RMA the board. I tried two different PSU’s and two different sets of ram and still the same issue! 3 LED’s and no boot!

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