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Computer Not Booting


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Ok, here's what's going on. I got a watercooling system setup on this comp, but it started leaking last night. I cleaned everything off and used a hair dryer to dry everything. Well, I tried to turn it on today and nothing comes up! I've tried two vid cards (the one with watercooling and my mx420) and still nothing comes up on screen. It is also not making any post beeps... Can anyone think of anything else that could be the problem? I have to go deliver the comp in an hour so I really need help please.


Also, where should I place the temp probe for the cpu? I placed it on the integral heat spreader (on top). Is that ok or where should it go?

Edited by Inu_Yasha

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take out the memory, you should get a beep out of that if that doesn't work the my guess is that the mobo is gone.


this happened to me once, and i took out the memory and got the error beeps, so i figured it was the video, and it was.

hope that helps

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Actually, it was the mobo... Thanks for all the responses!!! What happened was everything ran fine out of the case, but when I put the stuff in and ran it, the resovior started leaking! It got on the graphics card and the mobo, but the card is ok (luckly). I switched out the mobo with one from a hp and everything turned on fine! I'm going to rma the board and hopefully everything will be ok (the mobo could have been doa as well, but I'm not too sure). Also, what's a good way to stablize the temperature probe? Thanks again for all the help!

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