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Antec Psu's

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im assuming they are good because they are a top maker of cases, i just swapped out a cheap 350wt for an antec 350wt PSU, its working well so far but i have yet to OC with it.

should i keep it or get a new one?

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the Antec's are the shizzle.. I got an Antec True power 550 its just dope.. and it has tons of power.. and.. its just awesome! lol.. wouldent trade it for anything..

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antecs are great..only use antec psu...


my friend who has a righ the same as me...2.8 OCed to 3.3 2 zalmans 4 hdds leds..4 case fans 9800 pro all running on 350 watts. we calcuated it to need 550 watts!!


pretty funny

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my antec true power 430 watt is wonderful and was only 100 bucks at best buy a while ago when i bought it not bad considering some of the prices of enermax and others out there

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i remember when the Antec True Power 550W PSU was $94! unfortunately i waited another week before buying it (but didn't matter that much). it ended up being about $105:


Name Code Qty Each Options


Antec True550 ATX 550W 49486 1 96.00

Power Supply


Fedex Tracking Number:

deleted :smack:

Subtotal 96.00

Shipping 8.95

Tax 0.00

Total 104.95



that was Feb 25th, 2003. i should have bought another then. that was the best deal around (and i had been searching really hard after i had read some reviews and had came across this price. i was like "dang!". i had a feeling that upgradesource must of had a deal with Antec which only allowed upgradesource to sell Antec PSUs since they were so cheap in comparison to everywhere else. on Antec's own website at the time they had their 550W True Power psu labeled for retail at something around $150-160. so after i had looked at other sites i became throughly impressed and bought it. the best PSU investment i've made. this one is powering a VapoChill, DVD/CDRW combo, 56XCDROM, 120mm fan, WD 160GB w/8MB cache, an oc'ed 2400+ processor that uses approximately 143watts (stock is 68watts), used to being running two videocards (one was a GF2Ultra 64MB, which is now retired :( and a cheap voodoo3 2000 pci card). now i'm running a slower GF4 MX 420 card :D . and it should definately be able to take the additional load. i hadn't thought about it much lately, but i love this psu :wub: . heh, i do know that there are some other good companies out there too, but for the price, nothing could compare! i just couldn't pass it up :D .

now its $105 for the 550W True Power psu so it might be around $114 if you include shipping (i don't know if shipping rate changed any). i'd say its still a good price though, although i'm not sure what prices other stores are selling them for now. haven't been looking around for a psu lately :P .

Edited by Trakfast11

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