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AMD X2 Problems

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Hi all,


I've posted this problem before but after spending 5 hours this weekend trying to fix it i though i would try the board again.


Basically when i update to the 623 BIOS, so that i can use my X2, it boots first time fine. Installs the chip, i look in the device manager it has changed the HAL correctly and has 2 processors listed under processor. However when i reboot windows hangs while loading, if i run safe mode load it always stops at mup.sys file.


I've tried installing the AMD X2 drivers before the reboot happens.

I've tried doing a clean OS install after the BIOS update, this lead to the same problem except that windows never booted after the setup was finished.


Hope someone can help me as this is proving to be a very annoying problem.

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Clear CMOS and update BIOS again. Then clear CMOS again. Go into BIOS and load optimized settings....then set your RAM timings manually to avoid any mobo mistakes on that.

Save and exit. ReInstall windows immediately doing a FULL format on a clean partition.

If this doesn't fix your problem then it's something bigger.

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I am using the 704-2BT BIOS and was able to just swap out the CPUs without issue.


Maybe give this BIOS a try.

You should point out that you are recommedning that they use a beta BIOS, and that using that BIOS could void their warranty. Some people are not comfortable doing that.

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Hi all,


I've posted this problem before but after spending 5 hours this weekend trying to fix it i though i would try the board again.


Basically when i update to the 623 BIOS, so that i can use my X2, it boots first time fine. Installs the chip, i look in the device manager it has changed the HAL correctly and has 2 processors listed under processor. However when i reboot windows hangs while loading, if i run safe mode load it always stops at mup.sys file.


I've tried installing the AMD X2 drivers before the reboot happens.

I've tried doing a clean OS install after the BIOS update, this lead to the same problem except that windows never booted after the setup was finished.


Hope someone can help me as this is proving to be a very annoying problem.

After doing the CMOS reset as above,

I would suggest to run a memtest for a few hours to verify your hardware settings. If it fails, I would read http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21248 , especially post 15, and go from there.

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It's all fixed, well appears to be anyway.

Thanks for your help, i won't bother you with what the problem as it won't apply to anybody else.

It's an idiot thing :D

You should share. As silly as you think it may be, odds are someone else may come around with the same problem and your experience could help them solve theirs. Also, you should change your title to say resolved in it.

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Ok, i'll share but i pretty much guarantee it won't help anyone ever :P

I was using a custom tweaked windows install, i didn't make it so i couldn't tell you what was changed exactly but whatever it was it disabled windows ability to use the Dual Core HAL.

Shame really as it was a nice disc, installed firefox instead of IE :D and loads of other stuff.


Anyway fixed the problem by using my old copy of XP.

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Ok, i'll share but i pretty much guarantee it won't help anyone ever :P

I was using a custom tweaked windows install, i didn't make it so i couldn't tell you what was changed exactly but whatever it was it disabled windows ability to use the Dual Core HAL.

Shame really as it was a nice disc, installed firefox instead of IE :D and loads of other stuff.


Anyway fixed the problem by using my old copy of XP.


It's good that you shared. I've got 3 different 'tweaked' XP discs for 'research purposes', and they all worked OK. If it has a 'name', you might share that too, so that others don't experiment with it either.


Good Job though!

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