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is all this hardware going to work with the UT nF4 Ultra-D


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i know DFI is very pick on the hardware. so i don't want buy something that is not going to work.


i have question like what should i watch out before or druing the time i am build the pc.


i am beinnger in build PC. but like to learn and please give some advice.


CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3700+ San Diego






MEM: G.SKILL Extreme Series 2GB (2 x 1GB) or Crucial Ballistix 2GB (2 x 1GB)?


is this memory is good for overclock or should i get different one?



PSU:Antec SmartPower 2.0 SP-500


is this a good PSU for my motherboard?



VC: eVGA Geforce 7800GT CO Edition



DVD: NEC Black IDE DVD Burner ND-3540A



CASE: Thermaltake VB1000SNS Silver Stee



HD:Western Digital Caviar SE 250GB 7200 RPM 8MB



thank you

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Better power supplies,






Both memory choices are good but the Crucial 2xGB kit will overclock a bit more and you can use lower timings.



The hard drive, I would get 2xsomething or even 3xsomething.

# Use 1 for storage / the page file

# use the rest for a RAID array or whatever you like.


Just an idea. :)

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thank for reply guys. i change the power supplies to FSP Group AX500-A ATX12V 500W. Since i am beginner which memory is better for me. G.SKILL Extreme Series 2GB (2 x 1GB) or Crucial Ballistix 2GB (2 x 1GB) the both get 3-4-4-8, but OCZ 2GB (2 x 1GB) Dual Channel Platinum System Memory get 2-3-2-5 is that better?

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I' am beinnger in build PC. but like to learn and please give some advice.


I to was a relative beginner when I built my first DFI rig Nf3 UT 250GB I read all the stickies and read the problems people were having and I also downloaded the manual from DFI site before I purchased the board. I had no problems. Did the same thing when I built my NF4 SLI DR rig and had no real problems, went just fine. Go for it, just make sure you do your reasearch and pick your componets wisely.

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Look again at the memory specifcation.


# The G.gkill and Crucial are rated PC4000 (capable of 250Mhz)

# The OCZ is rated PC3200 (capable of 200Mhz)


A 2xGB kit rated at PC4000 is much better, gives you room for overclocking the CPU if you wish to later on.


The Crucial 2x1GB kit will run at 3-3-3-8@250Mhz so it is better than the G.skill one.


Not sure what overclocking or PC4000 is?

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thank for reply guys. i change the power supplies to FSP Group AX500-A ATX12V 500W. Since i am beginner which memory is better for me. G.SKILL Extreme Series 2GB (2 x 1GB) or Crucial Ballistix 2GB (2 x 1GB) the both get 3-4-4-8, but OCZ 2GB (2 x 1GB) Dual Channel Platinum System Memory get 2-3-2-5 is that better?
If you aren't planning on overclocking the OCZ 2GB is fine but if you want to overclock go with the Crucial.


If you don't plan on over clocking, I'm selling some month old OCZ 2x1GB Platinum RAM for pretty cheap. Give me a PM if you're interested.

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