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Gaming problems.

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This has been going on since I built this rig, I cannot for the life of me figure this out, so here goes.


Anytime I play a direct3D Mainly dark age of camelot, Or battlefield 2 , It will run fine for about 10 minutes, then textures start to flash, game then a few minutes later becomes choppy, and eventually just locks up, this is even at default cpu speeds, tried several diffrent driver's, nvidia, omega. This scenario reminds me so much of the NF3 and 6800GT issue its not even funny, I do have an ATI card coming in hopes that this will solve the problem, does anyone have any idea what It could be?



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I had the exact same problem for last 3 days (installed the demo, play like 10 minutes, then blue screen).


It's most probably ur ram. I recommend you to run the memtest for 15-20 full pass.

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Have you checked your rig for stability yet?


memtest is a definite starting point. Once you can pass 8 hours of memtest you can start working on stability.


You should be able to complete at least 8 hours of prime95 torture test, 3DMark01 or OCCT.


Additionally you can run dxdiag from the Start>Run box. There are several test that you can run to locate problems.

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I will run P95 tonight, I never had these problems with my old Gigabyte Setup, I am by no means placing the blame on the DFI, the real problem seem to start when I upgraded to an X2, and now I see another thread about x2's having possible gaming problems.

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