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nF4 Memory Advice (updated 14/11/06)


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I was just wondering if someone would mind helping me make a decision. I've been reading everything i can about Memory to complete my new Rig being built. But when it comes to memory i think i'am loosing my mind trying to decifer all the knowledge. Basically i'am gonna build my new system to be stable at first but i want the option to overclock it when i feel ready. I know i want 2x1gb but i just cant seem to figure out what i should really get. Moneys not an issue for me at all so i pretty much have full range of what i can get. Now after reading almost everything here i keep coming back to these. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16820227225


So basically will these let me get up and running stable, then when i feel ready to OC be able to handle almost anything i throw at it?


Also if you have another suggestion please throw it at me. I wanna place an order today so i can get them this week and complete my build.


Thanks for your time and assistance...... :)

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I do not intend to overclock (after reading the oc guide it seems very difficult). I noticed the RAM recommendations for non OCers is very short. I was hoping to get:


OCZ Performance Series 1GB (2 x 512MB) 184-Pin DDR SDRAM Unbuffered DDR 400 (PC 3200) Dual Channel Kit System Memory - Retail




Would this be a problem if I do not OC? The listed RAM choices for non-overclocking are pretty expensive.



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Ok sweet. That one has a mail in rebate good till 11/15.


One more question: is burning in RAM just bs or should I do that with the OCZ? And if so then how (or where can I found out how)?


Thanks alot. I gotta say I wouldn't be getting the LanParty nf4 without the help of this board.

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hi all

Sharp thanks for your info on memory. I'm new to computers and have my first by reading DFI-street forum BUT I can't install WinXP pro keep getting blue screen hardware something or other. But from reading your memory explained by you I think i know what's wrong the memory stick is Kingston pc 3200

Please if someone can can help me I'm opento any advice as I can't use my new computer.

thanks coybu.

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