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nF4 Memory Advice (updated 14/11/06)


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I had to run some tests on the CPU and lowered the FSB to 255 getting me 2805 Mhz.

I then just upped the memory FSB divider to 01/01 and it is at 255.

I will experiment, but don't want to push it too far.

I am very happy so far with the results from my DFI board.

My former Asus AN8-SLI Premium using the same AMD 4200+ only clocked at 2750 and didn't even get close to 200 in memory.


Followup: the next divider is 07/06 and I get 297 which is obviously too high. I don't see where in this BIOS I can manually change this setting instead of using the divider.

I know I am missing something that must be obvious.

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If it came down to a choice between 2x1gb RAM sticks with Samsung UCCC memory chips and same with Infineon BE-5 memory chips, assuming everything else (brand etc) being same which one would you recommend?


It seems to me like in the reports on Xtremesystems the BE-5 tend to clock slightly lower (on average) but with better timings. However there also seems to be less experience and more problems with BE-5 on the DFI NF4 mobos

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I'm a new poster here(so do excuse my bad english).


I need new RAM, so I have done some research. And this is what I have found:


1) OCZ CZ5002048EBPE-K2







3) F1-4000BIU2-2GBHV (G.Skill)



4) F1-4000USU2-2GBHZ



I will be OC'ing, but not over 250fsb (near it; i am new to all this). So i need advice from you profesionals out there. The first one has best timings (don't no which chip it uses, infineon?), the second one, I heard is a good one (and is uccc chip and good for OC). The third one, I don't know nothing about (hope you will shed some knowledge). And the last one, I added to the list after reading through this thread. (good for OC, but has higher timings).

So which one should i take? Do i need better OC preformance or better timings (because i probaly won't be OC'ing over 250)?

I would apriciate if you could answer me by tomorrow or day after tomorrow. If not i will probably choose on my own between # 1 & 2.

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Yeah first one = Infineon.

3rd one = Infineon


Go for the first one :)


Infineon are good for 250Mhz and will be able to reach near 280Mhz with 3-3-2-8 timings ;)

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Yeah first one = Infineon.

3rd one = Infineon


Go for the first one :)


Infineon are good for 250Mhz and will be able to reach near 280Mhz with 3-3-2-8 timings ;)


Thx. ordered the first one.. can't wait to test it when it comes. Thx :)

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I am about to purchase 2Gb Gskill F1-4000USU2-2GBHZ, question will I have to update my bios and what kind of timing should I set these at, and what would be a good setting for oc'ing with my system. And is this a good choice for memory. Thanks

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im also having trouble deciding on weather to go with.


1) OCZ CZ5002048EBPE-K2





4) F1-4000USU2-2GBHZ



Can the infineon chips really do 275? if they can i definitly think those would be my sweet spot, but i hear alot of people saying they max out ~255-260


I would like to keep fsb around 275 but i wasnt sure weather it would be better to go with the G.Skill for the uccc or the ocz with lower timings.


Opinions, suggestions? anything else to reccomend?

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Miller, You will not need to update your bios.

3-4-4-8 when at 250Mhz, rest should work fine on AUTO.

Good OCing settings :) create a thread in the OCing section when you have them.



When the kits with Infineon first came out some did not oc well but the more recent ones can reach 275Mhz.

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