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Ameritech Sucks!


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good god they're a bunch of clowns. first they want to look at their poles in my neighborhood. next they want to do a case study on what 1 more cable will do to it. the clowns decided NOT to let merrit run a T1 to my house!!!!!! ooooh I hate ameritech now!!!!!!!


thier reason: it would be an ugly eyesore for people in my neighborhood to have 1 more wire up on the poles. THOSE IDIOTS!!!

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First you mean SBC. I switched SBC because their phone billing was major screwed up. Its not over yet man you could start a potitition with your nehborirs saying that they would be ok with it. If SBC says no take it to the city. If that dosent work take it to the State.

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sorry, last time I delt with those loosers it was ameritech. and that's still what the letter head says on it. THEY suck. They don't even offer broadband in this area either. Just WOW (I can't believe they're still in business) and comunistcast. SBC or who ever they are this week has given me problems before. 5 years ago when I was working as a tech / network admin for a school distrcit (the city), we had to lease pole space from them just to run fiber between 7 schools. God forbid you do anything nice for a nonprofit organization, or anything of that nature. NO. I'm wondering who has to be bribed / offed to get this resolved.

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Yes, SBC does suck. Especially the people who tell you if you can get dsl and whatever.


OK, we called them a in about September (last year). They said, nope, there is no way to get DSL here.


Then about a month later they called back and said we could get it and they would send the stuff. OK, so we got the stuff a week later, just waited for them to turn it on. Well a week rolled by...another week...another week. So we called them back and they said "There isn't enough copper in the phone lines to hold DSL".


OK, well a couple weeks ago, we found out there isn't ANY copper in the lines, it's all fiber optic. Well, they have to get a switch in the box (just down the road from me) to get DSL to work on fiber optic. That switch won't be in for another year!


Well, ended up going with MidWest Wireless. Best thing around here.


I checked megapath.com, and they say I can get T1 here...but at about $600 a month! T1 speeds on wireless will be $200-$250...

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I don't trust my data and anything wireless (sorry paranoid about that). T1 is only going to be $500 a month here. IF SBC pulls thier heads out of thier behinds.


It may be time to mess up some stuff for SBC and see how they feel about that. Ask the local EX spam lord what happens :) never knew that many emails could be sent in 30 seconds.

Edited by bigred

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how much do you guys bank because for me I couldn't even afford to think about a T1 line at 500 or even 250. I think 50 for my broadband is outrageous! Sorry I am just a little perplexed here!!


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I think it's most ISPs in general that suck.


Never used Ameritech, but Comcast and BellSouth both suck. (At least they did when I had them).

Edited by beta-1

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