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PSU for 7800GT SLI


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Guys, im wondering if my current PSU, a BeQuiet Blackline 520W is good enough to support a NF4 SLI-D with 2 7800GT's and all the other hardware?!?

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If your going to spend big money on components go ahead and spend big money on the psu.


Get a PC Power and Cooling 510




I just noticed the blackline only has a 20 pin connector. I would avoid that at all cost.


hmm, my blackline has a normal 24 pins connector (its the P5-520W) btw, the psu delivers 38A at 12V, that aint too bad for sli right??

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After having SLI for two weeks, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. It sucks big time. You cannot turn on Vsync for the majority of the games in SLI Mode. So as you can imagine texture tearing galore. The driver completely ignores the VSync option whether specified by the game or the Nvidia driver in SLI mode. You can get around it with some games by creating a custom profile and choosing a particular rendering mode, but at the cost of a big performance hit. Until Nvidia fixes this issue, I don't recommend SLI to anyone. Apprantly NVidia is working on a fix for this, but I won't hold my breath until I see it.


If you want a good laugh follow this link and look at post 19.



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Yep SLi is way overrated, i wish i had just got a 6800GT now, your PSU is well within spec for SLI, all should be fine and dandy


+3.3V 30A • +5V 43A • Combined power 3.3V & 5V: 240W • +12V 31A • Combined power 3.3V & 5V & 12V: 500W • -5V 0.8A • -12V 1.0A • +5Vsb 2.5A is what i found on your PSU

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Eh, I am happy with my SLI setup. Yeah the vsync thing is annoying, but what can you do? its new-ish technology. Still working the kinks out.

Anyways, I have an Antec True Control 2.0 550W and its holding up well with my setup. Had it for about three - four weeks now, and its holding up against the overclocked psu as well.


I definately wouldnt go as far as to say I wouldnt recommend SLi to anyone, I would simply mention that vsync doesnt work as of yet. Other than that, SLi is pretty kick butt if you ask me


Maybe it will be fixed soon

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