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Hi All

I have my specs below in the signature. Anything to worry about with the OCZ mem and this board? Does anybody have any good OC for this exact memory?


This is my first DFI board so I am hoping it will be a good experience.


Also long time Intel first time AMD.


Any help would be great



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I do not have it yet but I will run the test on it.


Tell me if I am wrong here but is low latency ram good for any type of overclocking?


This ram from what I have read will only clock to 225 at best and evryone says it's because of the low latency.


With the DFI bios can you raise the latency to like 2.5 or 3 if that would help ?


Our is it a dead issue?


I really wanted 2 Gb of ram and there were not many choices for Dual channel out there. I did not want to go to 4x512 root.


Also is there a main forum for just driver setups?


I have been looking around here and there but seems like no actual forum for just driver suggestions.


I would like to use on board audio and it seems from the DFI forums that the nVida drivers are better to use is this correct ?



Could there be a Driver factory forum setup? Just a thought :confused:

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You can tweak every memory setting you can think of and I am sure quite a number you have never heard of.


No, there is no forum just for drivers. This is probably the best place to ask about them.


You can use the NVidia drivers or you can get the latest Karajan drivers. The main difference is that the NVidia drivers only support up to 5.1 audio. Otherwise try the NVidia, and if you are not happy try the Karajan. I personally am using the Karajan drivers with my Medusa 5.1 headset.

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I use the nVidia for sound on my Karjalan. I have all nvidia drivers installed except the Firewall and the IDE drivers. Which U should not try to install. And make sure that U are memtest stable b4 even trying to install windows. And Yes 623+ is a must for the X2.

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