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Advice Needed Please

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Hi I have had two components of my new system i will be building for quite a while now! I have to build it soon or they will be out of date. I have the Gigabyte 8INXP Mobo (Pentium) and a Q-Tec 550W dual fan power supply (Is this any good?) Can someone be kind enough to give me advice on what components will suit what i have ie memory, hard drive, graphics card ect. it will be mainly used for gaming and will be connected to a 50" plasma.


Thank you very much for the help.



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Wow...sweet monitor (dont sit too close... :P)


The power supply sure isn't that bad, not the best, but it'll work.

As for a CPU, I suggest the P4 3.06 HT with a 533 FSB (what that board supports)

Then throw a Radeon 9700 or 9800 Pro in there with some PC3200 (Corsair recommend in a dual channel kit) RAM and your good to go.

As for a HDD, I'd go with any SATA drive you want.

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Id make one change - get PC3500 or 3700 RAM - Its the best avaiable (there is PC4000 but I can find any anywhere)

um...you do NOT need pc 3700 or 4000, i'd recommend 3200, save you some cash. I doubt w/ that MoBo you'll be actually needing more that 400mhz of ram speed. If you want an extra edge, go 3500. But you don't have enything that really needs or could even make use of 3700 or 4000.

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