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Tmod and loggan26's Bios Flash CD & Utility CDs NF/4/3/2+ATI

Guest Tmod_merged

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I assume it is for the board in your sig?


Let me do some checking and see if a newer version is available.




thanks Tmod wicked little disc.


ive had a few problems getting my disc to work, which ive now managed to sort out. i think one of the links form the first post is a bit dodgie (i.e the filefront mirror). ive tryed downloading it twice with problems after both times, i ended up using the first link which was fine.


now ive got the disc working im having problems with memtest, when i press enter & try and run it, it freezes on the loading bit? nothing i try to do makes eney difference.


thanks green

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Guest Tmod

Well I can't find anyone that has run this on a ICFX.


What error message is it giving exactly?



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Ok its time i upgrade my Tmod CD ver 7 :D to the 9.5. Im likeing the idea of dos prime :D So my ? are you in the mix for ver 9.6 or 10 in the next month?


Also I have two bioses here













Will eather of thses work in my nf4 Ultra D ? if both then what ones the best?

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Well I can't find anyone that has run this on a ICFX.


What error message is it giving exactly?




thank for looking into it.


the thing is i dont get an error message, when i hit enter i just get a black page with (loading....) at the top. then the only way i can get out is by pressing reset, it wont Ctrl Alt Delete.


i have tryed the stress prime & that works fine, just for the record.


the only thing i can think of i hav'nt tryed is using 1 RAM chip or use the other memory slots to try & get memtest to run. both my modules do work though.



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i built a pc some time ago (sig) and never used it after many mods and burn-in. back to the forums and found your 9.5 cd, downloaded it and working flawlessly. settled on the 3EG, Rev #3 bios and no issues until i tried to set up sataraid.


enter (F4) sata bios (v5.1.27) and logical drives show 0MB? physical drives show correctly. when i click create raid i receive the message "not enough single drives to create raid set!"


i have no issues with other hellfire bios' (rev2 and turbo) which have earlier versions of the sil sata bios. do you know of a issue with the 5.1.27 sata bios? versions 5.0.44 (turbo), 5.0.39 (eg,rev2) and 5.0.35 (6/19) all work correctly and show "logical drives" as they should be.


what is the possibility of adding another 3eg-rev3 bios with 5.0.44, or 5.1.39?


strange problem......:confused:

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Guest Tmod
Ok its time i upgrade my Tmod CD ver 7 :D to the 9.5. Im likeing the idea of dos prime :D So my ? are you in the mix for ver 9.6 or 10 in the next month?


Also I have two bioses here













Will eather of thses work in my nf4 Ultra D ? if both then what ones the best?


I have no intention at this moment of updating the CD in the future, So go full steam ahead on the burning of 9.5.


Either of those two chips will work fine and they are both equal in performance and reliability.


thank for looking into it.


the thing is i dont get an error message, when i hit enter i just get a black page with (loading....) at the top. then the only way i can get out is by pressing reset, it wont Ctrl Alt Delete.


i have tryed the stress prime & that works fine, just for the record.


the only thing i can think of i hav'nt tryed is using 1 RAM chip or use the other memory slots to try & get memtest to run. both my modules do work though.




Have you tried running a CD made with just Memtest on it from the Memtest site? Or how about running it from a floppy.


I know my CD is supposed to replace those but sometimes it is needed to find problems with the CD or some configuration.




i built a pc some time ago (sig) and never used it after many mods and burn-in. back to the forums and found your 9.5 cd, downloaded it and working flawlessly. settled on the 3EG, Rev #3 bios and no issues until i tried to set up sataraid.


enter (F4) sata bios (v5.1.27) and logical drives show 0MB? physical drives show correctly. when i click create raid i receive the message "not enough single drives to create raid set!"


i have no issues with other hellfire bios' (rev2 and turbo) which have earlier versions of the sil sata bios. do you know of a issue with the 5.1.27 sata bios? versions 5.0.44 (turbo), 5.0.39 (eg,rev2) and 5.0.35 (6/19) all work correctly and show "logical drives" as they should be.


what is the possibility of adding another 3eg-rev3 bios with 5.0.44, or 5.1.39?


strange problem......:confused:


I am sorry to say at this moment I am considering not updating the CD anymore, I just ran out of steam and with all of the bios's on it as well as the programs it takes more time then I have right now.


I have never heard of any problems with the SATA bios causing a problem like that unless they are different drives and the SATA controller is not recognizing both of them.


Anyone ever tryed to put this CD on a usb flash drive? If so can you explain how?


There is not a way to my knowledge to place all the files on the thumbdrive and have it bootable to the same format as my CD.


You can do so if your USB drive is large enough.


Try looking at this:



Yes you can boot from a USB stick but the bootloader for my CD does not work on a thumbdrive, Unless you know something I don't. :D



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Thanks for your time and reply Tmod. OK i know I've seen certain bios flashes that state use this bios for hot flashing. So i need to flash that one before doing a hot flash right or?

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Guest Tmod
Thanks for your time and reply Tmod. OK i know I've seen certain bios flashes that state use this bios for hot flashing. So i need to flash that one before doing a hot flash right or?

You need to use that for the Hot-Swap as it contains the /F switch.


For example say you have a Asus board with a compatible chip and you want to flash a chip for a DFI NF4 Ultra-D on the Asus board.


Go to the menu for the Ultra-D and select that bios file meant for Hot Swapping.


That way the Asus board should not give the this part number is incorrect or whatever they say and should flash the chip with no problems.


The above is just a example.



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