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Tmod and loggan26's Bios Flash CD & Utility CDs NF/4/3/2+ATI

Guest Tmod_merged

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Yea dude you do a great service here for all these nice folks I have Tmod CD7 right here don't use it but I wanted to check out you're cool work and find out what all the rage was about! Never hurts to have a archive though.


Now Lets talk about that Hot Tuna, shall we?

Well if you don't use it what good would Hot Tuna be to you? :D



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  • 3 weeks later...

An idea might be to have a link on the CD just with instructions on how to flash. I nearly messed up my system there during the down time by flashing with my BIOS not at default, then I tried to boot straight back into windows and it messed everything up. Maybe just telling people to do a CMOS reset, flash, wait for DMI to initialize, CMOS Reset, load optimized defaults.


Probably common sense to most on here, but coming from using windows flashing util with other boards it was definitely different.


also, I know it might be a bit of work, but maybe have a changlog for each BIOS? Asking too much I know :O

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I want to flash from outside Windows, like at boot. Should I burn the .iso as is or burn it as a bootable CD?



Burn the ISO as stated in the tutorials and you should be good to go.




An idea might be to have a link on the CD just with instructions on how to flash. I nearly messed up my system there during the down time by flashing with my BIOS not at default, then I tried to boot straight back into windows and it messed everything up. Maybe just telling people to do a CMOS reset, flash, wait for DMI to initialize, CMOS Reset, load optimized defaults.


Probably common sense to most on here, but coming from using windows flashing util with other boards it was definitely different.


also, I know it might be a bit of work, but maybe have a changlog for each BIOS? Asking too much I know :O


I will take a look into a how to flash but it is pretty simple, Pick the bios you want to flash with and hit enter, Clear CMOS and set it up.


I doubt I will ever incorporate the changelogs as there really isn't any room for it and I would have to go back and get every changelog from DFI and I cannot get the bios modders (Merlin) to tell us what they did different.



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Wow, what a cool CD. The only thing is: Am I just totally stupid or, are there no UT NF4 Ultra-D bios on the CD? I saw NF4 but are they the same? I am total Lanparty Noob and need help. Plus I'm really stupid I guess.



Hi Spike,


It will be this menu for you.



Just pick the NF4 LanParty bios's from the main menu and it should take you to this menu.



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Hi All,

I want to to a BIOS update on my DFI NF4 Lanparty Ultra-D. Which BIOS version on the CD should I use? I have some instability issues (random reboots / blue screens) with my Corsair value memory running with default settings and I'm hoping that a BIOS update will solve this problem.


Thank you!



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Really tough to give you any input without knowing exactly what is in your system.

(We call it a signature)


I can tell you that an older bios Tony's (Big Toe) 704-2bta is very popular and seems to work well with many types of RAM.

I just added an entry to the OCDB (Overclocking Database) for my Corsair 2x CMX512-3500XL(v1.1) sticks.



I'd suggest you look through the OCDB and see if you can find someone with RAM that is the same as yours and give their settings a try.


Welcome to the forum :)

Do yourself a favor and put a signature together if you are looking for help.

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Hi Guys,


New to the DFI forums - So hello to all.. :)


Sorry for sounding stupid, but I havent gone 64bit yet and still now using an DFL LP NFII ULTRA B.


With regards to the Bios's avaliable on the ISO image - what the ref to the titles of the bios's i.e. the 11/27 - 6/9 - 7/28 - 11/24?


Would somebody be able to explain? or point me to a thread that does?

Have gone thru a few pages but cannot seem to find anything.


Kind Regards



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