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Tmod and loggan26's Bios Flash CD & Utility CDs NF/4/3/2+ATI

Guest Tmod_merged

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Attn all of you NF3 LanParty UT 250Gb owners, I have added some bios's that were requested.


My CD is now at version 4.0 and the latest info and download link is at the bottom of the first post in this thread.


As always I would like to get some response from anybody that uses my CD.


Especially NF3 owners.


I have made some changes in the layout of the menu's that will allow more room for future bios releases.


The CD4.0 is a full ISO release so there is no patch to take it from 2.0 or 3.0 up to 4.0.


Any problems with anything just let me know.



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It worked, You saved me from RMAing this damn thing. I would have loved to have used this 2 months ago. Screw floppies and winflash. BTW the 7/04-2bta are friggin awesome.


Tmod pm me an addy you'de like your present sent too.

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It worked, You saved me from RMAing this damn thing.

Glad to hear it worked for you!


Tmod pm me an addy you'de like your present sent too.

I can reassure you no present is required, I created this to help others and just the fact that it helped you is good enough for me.



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I am new to making bootable discs and I am having a little trouble. First when I extract the files I do not have cd image next to the .iso. Is this a problem? If not, I will not worry about it.




Next I am having trouble using Nero. In your tutorial, you say to hit the Nero button at the bottom of the screen and it open up the regular version. But when I do that with my I receive a pop up window from Nero. Am I hitting the wrong button?




EDIT by THunDA..

You need to read the forum rules.. 1024x768 images are not allowed.. !!


Sorry for being such a newb.

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I think your images are a little too big for posting here.


Please follow my tutorials in the second and third post in this thread.


I spent some time making these tutorials so they are easy to follow.


EDIT: Please notice the following statement in the Extraction tutorial.


Stop here and DO NOT try and extract Tmods CD2.iso further, It will NOT work that way.



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Tmod I used your cd and it worked awesome, really saves me time as I don't have a floppy in my rig. You should post a amazon wishlist or something so people who are greatfull for the stuff you provide can get you a little something in return. ;-) Just a thought.

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NF3 LanParty UT 250Gb Bios's


Tmod's Modded NF3LD623-Vdimm-MemTest

Factory UnModded NF3LD504

TicTac's NF3LD504-R1-Vdimm

TicTac's NF3LD415-Vdimm


What different between Tmod Ld623 vs Ld504-R1?

Is LD623 newer (I think, from my old memory, there was a version of 623 which would be older)? if newer, what fixed from 504?

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What different between Tmod Ld623 vs Ld504-R1?


I modded the LD623 with Vdimm voltages available up to 4.0v and added the latest release of MemTest v1.65.


As far as LD504-R1 goes that is TicTac's mod and the only thing he shows in documentation is making the Vdimm voltage up to 4.0v available.



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