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Overlcocking Advice

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I've just gotten in my noice 2.6c and I have an IC7-G coming in tomorrow. I'm not really that big a newb and overclocking, i've messed w/ p4c's and ic7's many a time this summer and know how to use the board to get the most oc out of the cpu.


My question is, do you think I should burn it in a take my time to get to 3.2-3.5? I've got great ram and great cooling so im not too worried about my odds of getting a nice oc, i'm just not too sure if i should burn it in a lil' by lil' or just barge in.


Techinically, burning in a CPU shouldn't make a difference, either it works or it doesn't, but i've heard many an oc'er say that they couldn't reach a speed and after burning it in they finaly were able to reach their goal.


So what exactly are ya'll's experiences w/ burning in a cpu?


Also, what are the best 3d benchmarks out there and other benchmarking programs, i know prine95 to test stability and hardocp's ut2k3 benchamark, but what are some other nice hardware benchmarks I shoulk look in to?

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Personally, burning in has never worked for me. I wouldn't recommend you just crank it up right away. Go up slowly and just use prime95 to test for 5-10 mins. Then once you're up there start testing it for longer (24 hrs or so).

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yeah, i agree with syneze on the process to take. just make sure that when you get to your highest stable oc, let it burn in for longer periods of time (atleast a few of days, the more the better). if you push on too high too soon after that then you may end up not being 100% when you go back to your last stable oc'ed frequency (and then you'll have to burn-in at a lower frequency in order to try to get back to stable at the higher oc). it happened to me :( , but i've learned and recovered since then :) ( i ended up waiting about a month before trying to raise my freq back to my high oc and ended up going past it). now i'm trying to get to 2565Mhz, which i was never 100% stable at. only lasted a few minutes over 2hrs before P95 errored and, soon after, restarted. so we'll see what happens. gl to ya

Edited by Trakfast11

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