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NF4 Floppy ?

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any one ever had a bad floppy Controller ? I have tried 4 floppy drives and 3 cables and I am stumped because there all not working..


I have yet to have any main board have this issue ever and wonder if it is broken or if I have 4 bad drives LMAO,.. :shake:

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it may sound silly, but some guys assume the floppy connector on the mainboard powers their drive.

swap cables, flip cables, check floppy power with multimeter?

floppies never seem to work as good as they used too, right?


edit - what case do you have? if your case has a cover for your floppy drive, or you have bought some kind of cover for your floppy to match your case, this could be the problem. any pressure at all, even very slight, on the floppy button will make it inoperative. try your drive outside the case!!!!! happened to me with a lian li and nearly made me insane looking for prob.



very truly yours,


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I have tried every floppy out of case..And the first set up I did ,the floppy in my case worked fine..But a week later I noticed it no longer worked hence the attempt to swap cables and drives ..


I guess I have a bad floppy connector on th emain board..RMA me it is saying lol..

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Same problems but I already double check mine!

Its work, I can read the whole data in the disk and even working for installing RAID driver for windows installation.


However, I can't update my bios!

even with DIAMOND bios or manual...

the screen keep loading and leave the screen blank.

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