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DFI NF4 and Audigy2zs, not friends.

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Hi new member here and of course I am already in trouble.

Just upgraded to a DFI Lanparty nf4 sli dr with a 7800gtx. I came from a MSI neo board with a x800xt pe, agp version.


Heres whats going on. Having issues with the audigy2 zs card. BSOD's, lock up's and software not working. Card was working fine in the other board and I have installed it in a different comp without issues. Sound is working now but it's very unstable. I am thinking that maybe there is a conflict somwhere but I am not sure how to check it. I sort of know my way around a bios so fire up some suggestions.


Heres what I have done so far...


Reinstalled windows. (twice)

Disabled onboard sound.

Tried both pci slots.

Installed drivers and software from disc. No go with software.

Installed drivers and software from harddrive. No go with software.

Installed drivers from Creatives automatic download thing. No go.

Tried beta drivers. Then eax console says no audio card.


In between all these different panic installation I have a bsod sometimes when I try and start a game. Sometimes game will start but then lock up after a few minutes. If I put BF2 in software audio mode all is fine.


I had one instance where I could not start any program that had sound in it because it would crash.


I even installed everything from Creatives site and updated everything and when the last reboot was made and I try to start eax console it says, no audiocard supported??? It's not only eax console, other software acts crazy too. I have sounds but I want the software too.


Of course I uninstalled everything inbetween these software and driver installations and used drivercleaner. Getting tired....


Tried other memory timings, no go, same deal.


First I flashed to bio 623-2, then 623-3 and now I am on 702-2. Did as this board says 10 times a day:) Cleared cmos and so on. Now bios is at optimized defaults except for fsb and memory setttings which I did manually.


So this lenghty post boils down to? Is there a bios setting I missed? IRQ conlict? Is there a pci lock on this board or is it not needed for pci-e boards? Is there some special setting for the audigy's?


Let me know if I have missed any info or something is lacking from the sig.

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yup, no issues there. Audigy shows up when drivers are installed.


Edit: Finally broke down and admitted to myself that maybe my PSU isn't cutting it. Ordered a Hiper 580w Type-R, seems to be a recommended choice here. I hope it's gonna help.

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I had similar problems. In 3DMark05 I got an Blue Screen which shows that the Audigy 2 driver is causing that. Next day the board doesn't recognise it anymore. After reinserting it works again. Now I have no problems. I hope that my problems won't come again.

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I've got the somewhat older Audigy 2 card and it works in the last PCI slot, but wasn't found in the other PCI slot.


Have you tried disabling CPU throttling in BIOS and adding "/usepmtimer" as a commmand line option in boot.ini ?

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