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Posts posted by phil69

  1. CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1055,

    Motherboard: Asus M4A89GTD PRO/USB3,

    RAM: Corsair 8GB Dominator CMD8GX3M4A1333C7

    GPU: MSI R5750 MD1G

    Storage: WD Caviar Black 1 TB Sata III

    Chassis: Antec P183

    Cooling: Xigmatek Gaia

    PSU: Enermax 620W

    Display: 22 in. AOC

    Audio: On Board

    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit

    Generic Keyboard, mouse, and speakers that came with cheap big box computer






  2. So whats your favourite fps? You say no PC games but xbox or ps maybe?


    Hi Stonerboy779


    The only FPS I ever played was wolfenstein which I bought on a 3.5 floppy for my 386. I never understood what was the attraction to all the gaming because I was working all the time. I'm retired now and after seeing your post and all game trailers I thought I would see for myself if I would enjoy gaming. I found torchlight on the web with a two hour free trial and it took me a bit to understand what I was doing but then I began to enjoy the game.


    Thanks, Phil

  3. I never played any games with my computer other than the ones that came with windows since the machine was always used for business. I'm retired now and your giveaway caught my eye. I down loaded the free trial of Torchlight and I got captured by the enjoyment of playing the game.

    I would like to toss my name in for one of the four copies of Torchlight.


    Thanks, Phil

  4. I just ran Prime95 for 30 minutes on my 1055T at 3.65Ghz on an ASUS M4A89GTD PRO/USB3 with 8Ghz of Corsair Dominator in an Antec P183 and the Temp peaked at 52 but stayed at 50-51. I'm using a xigmatek gaia sd1283. I got it from Newegg for $24.99 less a $20.00 rebate.

  5. The XIGMATEK Gaia SD1283 for 4.99 after rebate and it should fit your system.



    I have the same MOB and Ram as you but a 1055T CPU. My case is an Antec P183.

    The Gaia just fits but you have to remove the memory from the first two slots to install the fan then you can replace the memory. My temps dropped like crazy from the stock AMD. I used Arctic 5. I have plenty of room for a second fan if I need additional cooling.

  6. This is my first build and after a lot of research I bought 8GB of Corsair RAM CMD8GX3M4A1333C7. It has worked perfectly since the first power up which was 18 months ago. After reading all the problems other people had with their ram I know I made the right choice and will stick with Corsair in the future.



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