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Posts posted by phil69

  1. Your intuition about a uniform (mirror finish) surface is correct, however you do this at a cost! As soon as you hit your cpu with that sandpaper, you just VOIDED your warranty!


    Are you water cooling? When you sand the cpu to a mirror finish it is called "Lapping" your cpu. Lapping is something that some people do when they are water cooling the cpu. I don't know about the dish soap, and don't recommend it. I use rubbing alcohol to prep my cpu before applying thermal compound.


    If he uses a Heatsink other than factory his warrenty is voided.



    "AMD Processor in a box (PIB) 3 Year Limited Warranty

    This Limited Warranty shall be null and void if the AMD microprocessor which is the subject of this Limited Warranty is used with any heatsink/fan other than the one provided herewith. "



  2. My new build would look like this:


    CPU:AMD 1090T Noctua NH-D14

    MB: ASUS Crosshair IV Formula AM3 AMD 890FX

    Memory: Corsair DDR3 1600 8GB Dominator

    Graphics: XFX HD 6970 2GB

    SSD (OS): Crucial RealSSD C300 CTFDDAC128MAG-1G1

    HDD WD Caviar Black WD1002FAEX 1TB

    PSU: XFX Pro750 Watt

    Case: Antec P183

  3. I had a 1989 RX-7 that lasted 91,000 miles before it needed to be rebuilt. I loved the car and had it rebuilt. The mechanic at the dealership said he hadn't seen one go past 100,000 without being rebuilt. I drove mine another 60,000 and traded it. I don't know about the newer Rx's.

  4. I bought an Antec P183 case from Micro Center’s “Clearance Closeout” for my first build. When I checked it out at home it was missing Hard drive mounting rails and other small screws and parts. I contacted Micro Center and they offered a full refund or exchange. However I still wanted the case if possible since the price was only about $60. I called Antec and they sent me all the parts I needed for free and because of a Post Office screw-up I was sent a double package.


    Antec will be my first choice for any computer part I need.

  5. What is your girlfriend’s problem? Is she upset you gave money directly for . instead of jewelry. Is she upset the prostitute had many open sexual trysts unlike ladies who act prim but made a life of riding the wild stallion for fun?


    Smoking one joint doesn’t make you an addict especially if you didn’t inhale. After 5 years if you haven’t dipped into the well of forgetfulness she shouldn’t expect you to do it again.


    Your girlfriend has no reason to feel disgusted and ashamed, she did nothing, and you just had a life experience that you wish you hadn’t.


    My girlfriend of 32 years just became my wife and we’ve had many things that upset each other, but you just forgive, forget, and enjoy the future you have left. Life is to short to live in the past.

  6. Hi BP9801,

    I have the current system:

    Asus M4A89GTD PRO/USB3, AMD Phenom II X6 1055,

    BIOS 1301, Corsair 8GB CMD8GX3M4A1333C7,

    MSI R5750 MD1G,

    WD Caviar Black 1 TB Sata III, Antec P183 Case, Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit.


    Windows performance is: Processor 7.5, Memory 7.5, Graphics 7.3, Gaming Graphice 7.3, Hard Disk 5.9.


    This is without OC.



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