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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Congratulations and best wishes to you and your family, dr_bowtie!
  2. momoceio.... a Yamy V-Star is a pretty nice first bike. Good luck with it.... I hope it treats you well! I started riding in about 1970 on a Rupp mini-bike(I guess that's been a while ago!).... and my current ride is a 2001 Harley FXD TC88. Hey, glad to see some fellow riders here....
  3. Thanks AG, Tmod and all you other folks that worked so hard getting the "Street" back up to speed. Nice job and congrats!
  4. LookBackX2- My system isn't together yet, so I don't have a report on the Team Microns. However, I picked mine up at Tankguys for about $220. They're a great place to do business with, and it looks like they still have the ram in stock(they drop ship from Team in CA).
  5. I ordered RAM from Tankguys and Fedex Home Delivery delivered on a Saturday, so don't give up yet. That Fedex truck accident happened about 100 miles from me due to very icy road conditions. I hope your package wasn't involved. Good luck!
  6. None, as of yet. But this one (if my sig shows up) is coming down the pike.
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