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  1. I *think* you have to do the hardmod to make it SLI before you can change it to 8/8 instead of 16/2 ... can anyone clarify this?
  2. I have the SI-120 with a 2100 rpm 120 mm panaflo on it... no complaints, getting 28/38 at approx. 1.55V (2.8ghz), and I don't think I had to take the board out of the case, from what I remember.
  3. Do you have thermal throttling turned on? That might have some effect too... should turn that off.
  4. I *think* most people have been having trouble with the 2x1gb kits. I myself had a 2x512 kit of the pc3200 (in fact, still do... just not using it for anything atm) and it overclocked like mad... got over 250 HTT with them at 1:1 and 2.5-3-3-6, 2.9V I believe, and stable. Pretty cool to the touch too... worked well in either yellow or orange for me. Does your sig mean you have 2x1gb or 2x512mb? Im' a little confused... it's pretty late:)
  5. Is this (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16835185022) similar to the part that's broken? you could always buy a new one for $10... maybe try to find somewhere with free shipping though. You could also maybe pick this one up at Fry's: http://shop1.outpost.com/product/3981388?s...CH:MAIN_RSLT_PG
  6. The top slot works with the old card? I don't think you want to use the bottom slot because I think it's only a 1X slot ulness you do the SLI mod and you can make it 8x. Can anyone verify this? Does your card have any extra power connectors on it that need to be connected? EDIT: GAH I somehow read your board as being an Ultra-D... my bad. You don't have to worry about the SLI mod, you should just be able to change it in the bios.
  7. Memtest is built into the bios... reboot and go into the bios, it's in there somewhere though at the moment I'm drawing a total blank as to where... sorry! What you'll see is an option where it says "MEMTEST86" and it'll be set to disabled. CHange it to enabled, save and exit, and after POST it'll boot into memtest. When you're done with memtest and you reboot, make sure you go back intot he bios to disable it again.
  8. Have you tried it with a different PSU? That could be part of the problem maybe, worth a shot. I looked up the PSU and if I found the right one it looks like each 12V rail pulls 18A... isn't the minimun 28A for a 7800GT? I thought I saw that somewhere.
  9. I thought the EB stuff overclocked better while the EL stuff has tight timings but overclocks poorly. That was my understanding at least.
  10. Haha I thought I wrote that under my stuff too. My bad, must have deleted it on accident. The first part of what I wrote was mostly so he could get some reference... not to directly copy. Sorry if I was unclear.
  11. Hey, we have the same stuff! BTW your stock speed is 2.2 I'm working on getting my setup validated and everything. But my specs are in my sig. It's rock solid but I haven't put it in the OC database yet.
  12. It's not the best ram for overclocking unfortunately. Check out the bleedinedge forums, that mjight help a bit. Also play around with drive strength maybe, and 2.7V worked pretty well for me... could try that too.
  13. It *is* possible to get to 250 but you have to get lucky with your set... as well has have a lot of skill and patience http://www.bleedinedge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=19873 Mine topped out at 233 though. 2.5-3-2-5 1T 2.7V. Bummer.
  14. Woody I think I have the same drive as you... no issues. Maybe you just got a bad drive?
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