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grease monky

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  1. I cant find any info on thr CFMs of the stock fan that comes with the BT anyone know?
  2. It hard enuff to get three matched stick of ran to work on this board but trying to run 3 miss match sticks just dont happen
  3. I also use a modded CoolerMaster Blue Ice it works grate on the chip set and never had a problem with the pwmic readings till i installed the Big Typhoon cpu cooler Its so big it blocks air movement around the reading sincer. So i got a new fan this weekend and gonna try that if it dont help its BT mod time :nod:
  4. impo .With that cpu your going to be locked at x8 You will be stuck on a 150 or 166 divider if you do any over clock above 300 fsb . so impo is that if it was me I would buy any 1 gig stick and call it good. G.skill being my first chorse . if your going to buy 512 sticks better be for finding ones with TCCD chips on them.All corsair XLs have TCCD chips
  5. first thing your suppose to do is reset the CMOS after you falsh to a new one
  6. GeIL Ultra Series PC3200 - Winbond BH-6/Samsung TCC5If there tcc5 there gonna like 2.8vidd if BH-6 there gonna like what you can give them
  7. I dont think then Ultra D has the problem with the sata ports like the nf3 250s do?
  8. HaHaHa Your funny cpu at 1.36 whats the use of having the board
  9. slots 1 & 3. satas in 3&4.tcl 2.5 And what are your timings?
  10. My 2600+ semp venice Runs stable at 2750 Coldpack you should not have a problem with that
  11. I here them Expert board are like no other. you got to forget everything you learned and start over. quote by Rgone
  12. G skill uses uccc on all there 1 gig sticks there should Not be a problem
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