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  1. 53 and getting older by the day but I pass for 40 something and notice women still look and smile at me not as an old man. So I'm not an old fart yet. I have interest in only one woman however and we've been married for over 27 years.
  2. 2006 Volkswagon Jetta with the 5 cylinder engine option. This thing flat out burns most other street cars I encounter locally and it accelerates on any grade I've traveled in mountainous Southern Oregon. It's a great bang for the buck car at $20k brand new. Not to mention its five star crash safety rating.
  3. It's hard to say. Conroe vs AM2... AMD is NOT lowering the 1Mb L2 cache chips but only the 512kb chips. :mad: So It will come down to initial total system cost (you gotta get more than just the CPU). Performance/price & performance/power consumption. Heck if I can swing the bux, I might just build a Woodcrest workstation with gobs of RAID storage & RAM plus a powerful graphics card. I've really enjoyed my Xeon duallie for the last two years. I voted for Conre but don't hold me to a puchase commitment yet
  4. I like to surf in a darkened room so dark themes are supreme to my eyes. OCForums also has a very dark theme which I've always liked very much. Heavy Metal floated my boat on first sight.
  5. It's now May 10th. AG, how did the DFI Infinity RS482 test finally work out? I was interested in seeing what it could do even if it can't fully compete with the LanParty series.
  6. This should have been a poll AVG Free ZAP free or pro Hardware NAT router or other dedicated gateway PC with good FW like Smoothwall, etc. Spybot S&D Ad Aware SE Xp antispy for locking down XP itself. XP FW = just barely better than nothing A NAT router can be bought for as low as $20 if you shop hard. Zone Alarm won't stop a frontal attack from a hacker who already knows where you are but a NAT FW will. Zone Alarm is very useful for watching the backdoor to prevent spyware and even Microsoft trying to phone home. The NAT keeps the front door locked from direct assaults.
  7. One common mistake is to forget the boot image which is a hidden file on the original CD. ISObuster, winimage or other similar apps can extract that to the build files folder. Nero then grabs it and puts it in the exact sector it needs to be when you burn the slipstreamed disk. I've done one for both XPSP2 and W2kSP4 and they both worked great. I'd like to make one for NT4SP6a so I don't have to deal with the floppy boot.
  8. XP64 is being largely ignored by the majority of software/hardware vendors. Everyone was betting on Vista and that horse just broke its leg :shake: I wonder how S2k3-64 is faring compared to XP64?
  9. XP was being somewhat ignored because of Vista. Now that Vista has collapsed under its own weight, XP is going to get neglected even more while Microsoft pulls out all the stops in an effort to put Vista back on track.
  10. Serious Samurize also has an ATI sensor parameter plugin to put that output on the desktop.
  11. When I set up my 6600GT temp desktop monitoring output, I used Rivatunner and Serious Samurize. I wasn't aware Speedfan was that advanced yet. MBM5 is outdated for anything much past 3 years ago. BTW Rivatuner will also control your card fan speed as long as it's pwm controlled. I've got mine set to 50% when in 2D mode.
  12. I'm glad I found this succint post. Noise and heat are becoming more of a concern these days. I was looking at ATI but they still seem to be behind the curve lately. Maybe with a better third party cooler that exhausts outside the case, it would be a viable option. You gotta love what nVidia's done with the die shrink though. Cooler, more quiet and very powerfull :cool:
  13. Yes Angry I'm very interested on how far you can push this puppy. As far as the integrated graphics chip goes, I don't really care much about anything it can do as I plan on installing a REAL video card in it. I'm thinking of something like the 7900GT or 7600GT if I'm too broke at order time I'm mainly interested in the mobo/cpu/memory bw/etc as that is what will support the REAL card while gaming, video editing, rendering, etc. However it has to be stable. I agree that P95TT is the way to go. It's an established standard and doesn't need a frontend GUI to possibly throw doubt on the results.
  14. So what's the status of this test run Angry? Inquiring minds have their cursers poised over the buy button waiting.
  15. Well here it is at the egg for $96 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16813136007 While you're at it here's the sweet spot in a dual core processor to go with that DFI http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16819103586 If I had the $500 I'd have 'em both on order by now.
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