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Everything posted by AiReS

  1. imo I think it's the cpu, I've had it happen to me a crap load of times.
  2. is the CPU is running at 100 then that means it isn't damaged, cause it works, BUT, there are two problems that could be happeneing 1. when you installed the Heatsink, make sure it isn't touching the socket, cause if it is, then it'll be drawing power from the CPU there for not alowing the mobo to get the juice it needs to hit 133+. 2. I have almost the exact same board, and the FSB jump is fairly close to the chip slot, and if the two prongs are touching it will not let you pass 100 FSB, so when you were installing the heatsink you might have bent one prong over till it hit the other one.
  3. I was just reading the reviews on the Nforce2 motherboards and the end result was that they gave Epox the Gold award and Asus (the much better board) the silver award, but the reason they gave Asus the silver instead of the gold is what made me very happy with the reviewers, you see, I know Asus makes a crap good board, but I will never buy any of thier products because they treat their customers like crap (imo), and thier customer support system is horrid, and for that reason alone the reviewers gave it second instead of first even though it was a better board, and I totally agree with this form of marking, because customer support is a large part of a perchase to some people and Asus always thought they didn't need to help anyone cause "who cares if they lose one or two people", well, at least with a review like this it shows that shafting your customers will not get you too far in the end. this is my oppinion, and doesn't mean Asus is crap, but I do feel they need to bring the help section up a notch or two.
  4. we went from showing your mug to what snowbaord your boasting, very nice transition guys =)
  5. just bought me both of them and let me tell ya, I should be reviewing this, they are one hell of a setup, very clear, very nice, and very loud, great with UT 2003, I definately recommend this setup.
  6. ok no-one has said it yet so I think I better warn you, DO NOT APLY PRESSURE TO THE HEATSINK UNLESS IT IS FLAT ON THE CPU, you'll crush the core of the CPU if you do, and also, pressure is a big thing and try not to use alot of it, as for the compound, spread it on the heatsink where it would land on the cpu and make sure it's a very thin layer and as smooth as you can make it. please listen to me cause I've crushed 2 XP 1700 before learning the proper way, since then I've done hundreds without problems.
  7. and the award goes to............ yeah man I agree, that is some apsolutely gorgeouse work you did there. if my woman looked like that I'd have her move in
  8. modding also boosted my company, I've been doing contract work for a company called "North American Living Centers", and I had to bring in my PC to use it as a master to copy some of thier files onto cd cause none of them had a burner (could have just brought the external burner but wanted to bring the PC for a reason) and when they seen it they started asking questions like "did you build this?", "does your company sell them like this?", and of course I said yes, and since I have built two for customers, and I got the whole contract to myself now (used to share it with "Linx Computers Canada", so guys, again, I say thank you =)
  9. very very nice, and I think I know what my next step for modding has to be, thanx for the pics, I'm done for a month
  10. very nice man, but I have one complaint, don't get the 9700, wait for the Geforce FX, and the AMD Hammer, and the DTS 7.1 Sound Blaster, just keep the stuff you got for now until those mad-cats come out.
  11. oh I already know, I own my own PC business "ExerTech", but I bought this PC from them cause my company is in the process of opening up shop, and I didn't want to lose my warranty (being an overclocker) and end up frying my stuff and not getting it replaced.
  12. same type of deal happened to me only alot worse, when I first installed my Volcano 9+ I crushed my XP 1700 core, then when I took it to the shop to get another one put in they told me I fried my CPU, along with my video card mobo and lan card, I said no flippin way, went to the back of thier shop, took my CPU out of my mobo, put in a duron 1200 and it all worked fine, and after they apologized they put in an XP 1700 for 89 dollars canadian =)
  13. what the hell is prometia?
  14. I really like that black wallpaper, and have used it as my background, nice work prox
  15. I was making a piont, RAM "can" be a cause, very rare but the chances are thier
  16. Vantec Tornadoes are crap good, just bought two myself, but if your gonna put them somewhere visible and are going for looks then tey aren't the greatest choice, cause they are just plain back with no leds either
  17. it should be able to get up to a higher FSB right out of the box, depending on how cool it is, and how your other components take it, even RAM can stop you from being able to achieve desired FSB speeds.
  18. yeah I agree, but at the same time I got an earfull of how I don't understand either, best thing is to just act like a big dumb oger and make them think they are doing a favor to humanity by helping you out in life.
  19. well I was in the exact same boat, but the guys here told me to do somehting and I did it and it worked like a miracle, here's what you gotta do 1. move your HDD and check for a fan slot in the front of your case, if you got one, put a high CFM fan there that will pull air in. 2. then what you gotta do is put two fans in the back of your case pushing air out, this way you have constant flow of cooler air coming in and hot air going out. in my case believe it or not, after doing that my idle CPU temp dropped from 57 to 35, which is a HUGE diff. let us know how it goes for you though
  20. yeah I bought tornado's, although I don't like the fact that they are just plain black, but they got some power so I got them, and as for idea's, man you have no idea, I spent 2 hours with my girlfreind beside me trying to wedge my RPM adjuster between two piecees of metal so it would be easy to get a hold of from the top of the case near the front, and now that it's done I'm very happy with it, although she was pissed.
  21. After reading all the replies about why my CPU is over heating with a volcano 9+ I went to my local PC shop and bought two more fans on top of the two I had, and what I did is make two in the back faced for exaust, and the two in the front faced for in-take, and now I have a steady flow of cool clean air coming in and hot air going out the back, which has dropped my CPU temp from an average of 57 (idle), to an average of 35 (idle). but the reason you all suck is cause you all got me addicted to modding my PC, and I keep spending money of crap I really don't need, but crap is it ever fun. thanx alot for the help with everyhting guys and I'll let ya know how it goes
  22. I already posted this one and I tried to delete it to keep from peeving off the admins but it wouldn't let me, but at the same time no-one would post to that thread so I wanted to make a new thread for pics of you clockies, so here it is......... The first pic is me and my girlfreind (Aubrey) on a boat cruise we went on, and the second pic is of me and my car in my work parking lot, that car is my pride and joy (along with my PC) and was built from the ground up by me and my best freind Nathan (who happenes to be a class "A" mechanic) P.S. I was tanked in the first pic, open bar baby yeah
  23. The first pic is me and my girlfreind (Aubrey) on a boat cruise we went on, and the second pic is of me and my car in my work parking lot, that car is my pride and joy (along with my PC) and was built from the ground up by me and my best freind Nathan (who happenes to be a class "A" mechanic) P.S. I was tanked in the first pic, open bar baby yeah
  24. dude, your old, and, stuff , just playin, but yeah I'm 19 and I don't have any recent pics that I know of, let me check around, if I post one then you know I found one.
  25. ok sounds great, and thanx alot for the help guys really, and I plan on spending a good amount of time here now that I found this hidden jem of a site.
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