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Posts posted by Blue_cow

  1. Too many things... uh, my little bout in internet radio was... interesting. Me and Fried_fry (on the forums here) made it for a while then decided to discontinue it due to a lack of listeners... It was fun while it lasted.


    And when i bought my 6800 off coolzero101 only to have it die a month or two later.


    Getting into starcraft (that was last week)


    Getting addicted to WoW then quitting (12 step program really helps)


    hmm... There was that time i [-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    -------------------------------------------------------- CENSORED----------------------

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] and i couldnt get the jello out of the carpet for like a week

  2. Everybody likes embarrassing songs, although most people aren't willing to admit that they like them.


    I've been considering creating this thread for a while because i listen to some pretty embarrassing music.


    I'll go first then you just post some embarrassing songs that you listen to.


    Funky Town - Donna Summers (cumon its awesome)

    Hung up - Madonna (its annoying, but incredibly catchy)

    Amazing - George Michael (i know, embarrassing, i still like it)


    Now you go! :lol:

  3. i cant belive people still want these things, they overheat and only worth about $200  if even that much, ebay it and wait intill the ps3 comes out and price drops to $200



    Not many are overheating, a few are, but thats because of user error. Its the retards that are putting them on blankets or on a furry rug and yeah, it will overheat, i keep mine on a table by itself and it has NO PROBLEMS. People are spredding rumors like crazy that they are all crashing and crap like that and its mostly bullcrap. Some are having problems but its something like 3% of them...


    Will that act as my main Hard drive for the xbox? Will i be able to play my old games on the xbox with this drive? Also will i be able to download content off of xbox live onto the hard drive?


    No, you can't. This mod is only for playing videos on your 360 or having more storage for music/pictures.

  4. Wow.... Well I suppose your key statement is "I'm only 15"


    First off my children have had more than one bad Christmas. So we've gotten them a lot of toys to play with and have fun. They're 4 and 5. Thats what they do.... BTW these arent best-buy toys, they're little kid toys. (Original little kid toys) Not $300 console systems lol. Anyhow I believe it was kind of rude of you to make that statement and then admit you're neither a parent or adult. Why is it there are sooooo many negative people here in OCC? Seriously, its the holidays, I tried to start a positive topic, and still you figure out how to bring us to your own deprived, depressed level. Just remember, if you dont have anything worth saying, DONT say it. You'll appear more intelligent that way.


    To the rest of you that replied I'm happy you're able to provide for your loved ones or at least appreciate what you have.



    Ok, i agree, i was rude, im sorry, i was in a bad mood at the time. I guess my point is that im just a little turned off by the season because its just all about spending for some people. Sorry, thats just my oppinion.

  5. I've had the problem of not being able to scroll with my wheel before, but tabs have always worked fine for me. I don't know what the cause/solution is though.


    Just know you're not alone. ;)



    has it only happened on OCC?


    This is frusterating :angry2:

  6. I hope that Santa would drop me a Business Flight Return ticket to Paris down the chinmney because I'm in the mood to go travelling this holidays.


    Or maybe when I go to open up my presents, one of them could contain Jessica Alba and she could jump out wearing a hot bikini :) - now thats a present you can't put a price on




    haha i know what you mean. I've had a crush on her since her "Dark Angel" days; way before the movies.

  7. Recently (over the past 3 days) ive been noticing that i am occasionally unable to scroll with my mousewheel on OCC (using FF btw) and i also can't change tabs. Its annoying.


    Now, ive tried re-installing firefox, reverting to 1.0.7 (wouldnt install right though).


    This doesnt happen with any other websites or other web browsers (ive tried flock, opera, and... IE :O ) and it doesnt happen with any browser except firefox.


    Just wondering if anybody else has experienced this or if its just me? Any ideas on how i can fix it?

  8. isnt rome total war turned based? I have yet to play it for more than maybe an hour and that was a demo like a year ago so i dont really remember... Anyways, i just went out and bought the rise of nations gold pack. I have yet to play online, too busy owning noobs on starcraft....hey... i just thought of something....!


    OCC Starcraft clan? There seems to be a lot of starcraft fans here... it could work. PM me if you want in. omg, this could work.

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