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Posts posted by Blue_cow

  1. I also HIGHLY reccomend (sp?) pandora.com


    You can listen to the whole songs and stuff like that, the only thing is that you can only skip like 5 or 6 songs per hour, but thats not that bad. Its worth registering an account, ive had no spam from them, and i love the service. Blue_cow gives it 2 mis-shapen cow hoofs up.

  2. I was just thinking about that video the other day. I dont think i had any input on the original thread but after watching the video again it makes sense that he tasted her. I told her like 7 times to get out of the car and she didnt so yeah i guess he had the right to taze her.


    Thanks for posting this KB

  3. NO MORE GUNS. didnt you people see bowling for columbine? Guns dont kill people. people dont kill people. People with guns kill people!! or knives...


    anyway, down with guns....


    nevermind me, im canadian.


    (^thats gonna get sigged im sure.. lol)

  4. probably because it looks idiotic and I have no intention on ever seeing it.



    It DOES look idiotic and it DOES look amazingly stupid but thats why its so funny. None of the comedy in it seems forced or overacted. Trust me, i was skeptical at first but watch it once or twice and you'll love it, i promise. If not, ill give you a really really big cookie, k?

  5. This is tough because i like so many movies, i can not pick just one.


    My top few movies (not in any specific order) that i like are:


    Lost in Translation

    Garden State <-- Thats like #1 or #2

    star wars episode 4

    the matrix

    Family guy movie

    Memoirs of a Geisha <--- Also #1 or #2

    Anything directed/written by Kevin Smith

    edit: I forgot! Kill Bill 1 and 2


    Again, thats not in order. Anyone seen Memoirs of a Geisha yet? I saw it on opening day, im into japanese culture so i loved this movie..... ITS NOT A CHICK FLICK!!!! lol.

  6. He probably has IDE though...I would put everything on the 300gb, reformat the other two and reinstall windows on one of them, than use the 300gb as an exclusive media storage.



    then what about the other 120 though?

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