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Posts posted by Blue_cow

  1. im DEFINATELY getting a wii.


    Look at the advancements between the xbox and the 360, and the ps2 and the ps3. What exactly are the improvements?


    Better graphics and faster console.... (not counting multimedia capabilities, im talking about gaming here).


    As far as gameplay, the new consoles are just like the old ones, in pretty much every way. Do better graphics add anything to the gameplay? No. Was ff7 good despite the bad graphics? Hell yes.


    .'. wii > xbox360 > ps3

  2. Im not really sure how to phrase this because im not 100% sure what its called, but here goes nothing.


    Im trying to make a directory on my site where people can go and find a basic little page to download podcasts.


    eg, like this.




    Ive google'd around but its tricky trying to find something when you don't know what its called, lol.


    The way i have it now, is that whenever you visit the page, the user gets a 403 forbidden error. Do i have to modify the .htaccess file or something? Im not sure, anyone ever done this before?

  3. Im currently developing a website with a few friends. Its kiiinnnddaa similar to putfile or youtube, except its for geeks/nerds/computer people. Thats our demographic, lol..


    My problem is that i need to get a good web app that will allow users to upload their videos and have it play in a flash video player.


    Ive got mambo installed right now for content management, and it would be nice if i could find a module for mambo that allows users to upload videos, and then play them in a flash based video player, eg youtube.


    Ive looked and looked, but i have yet to find anything, so i was wondering if anybody has had any success with this kinda thing.


    It doesnt have to be for mambo, but it would be convenient.



  4. pretty damm good downloading speed to germany I have to say... 45kbit/s... anyway, in maybe 2 hours u will receive a commentary!

    btw, when we are at the topic of CS and CSS, http://hannover.kiezkollegen.de/images/525...65c826b3664.jpg <-- this is what we did on the last LAN to be able to fit as many people as possible into a friends house :lol:


    Yeah... that picture has been around for a LONNGG time... So, idk, i dont think you should claim that its yours, lol.. i saw this pic like 4 years ago

  5. lol if u only have a level 40 hunter you werent addicted ;P


    sure he was...


    i played for a year, got a 60 rogue, and a lvl 43 hunter. And i have absolutly nothing to show for it.


    Thank god i quit, that game is such as waste of my money and life.

  6. That would work, but how would i turn on dual monitor mode with only one monitor? :blink:


    edit: Ive done a bit more looking around, and apparently if you hold crlt, alt, and shift while photoshop boots up, its asks you if you want to delete your settings file or something. Tried it, it works. im happy ^_^ thanks guys

  7. here is my only tip.


    Sell the cd-key, quit wow, its seriously not worth it.


    Its a complete waste of time, and sure, you can get to level 60 or whatever, but then you look back and realized that you have wasted a few months of your life.


    -level 60 rogue

  8. Ive got this strange problem that i cant figure out.


    I'm using photoshop 7, and for a period of about 2 weeks, i was using it with a dual monitor setup. Whenever i used photoshop, i dragged the "blending options" window to the other monitor, and now, I cant get to the window, since I'm only using a single monitor now. The blending options window is inaccessible since its off screen.


    Is there any way to set all of the photoshop settings to default without re-installing?

  9. Not really funny, i dont think its meant to be, but dang... for the people like glimmerman just saying that its lame?....You've obviously never opened up macromedia flash before.


    This guy has got some serious talent.


    I remember seeing this video a long time ago, i love the music in it, :)

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