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United States Presidential Election 2008


US Election  

144 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would you vote for?

    • Barack Obama
    • John McCain

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Looks like we've devolved into a flame war again. Let's try and focus more on legitimate reasons and not so much as how you feel about the candidate.



Okay Obama wants to socialize the United States. That can absolutely not happen. That right there should disqualify him. He wants to take my money and give it to others which just pisses me off. Did you know that he can not account for his money. He and his wife make x amount of dollars. He can't produce anything on the rest of his money or where it came from. He can't produce documentation on his money but I have to give mine away. To hell with that.

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Please cite. Justia is not showing that the motion for dismissal due to jurisdiction was granted...


The most recent documents seem to indicate that the motions to dismiss were granted. It's possible that I'm reading them wrong as I've never used that website before, but it looks like motions were filed and the court granted them.


the suit in Seattle is not even against him...

it is against the secretary of state.

the suit seeks him to certify the candidtaes on the ballot which is his job by law...

somebody was thinking when they filed that one.

it should be quite easy to provide a valid birth certificate.

you cannot even get a drivers liscence in the US without one.

something is quite odd about the lack of immediate response.


Well, technically you CAN get a driver's license in the US without a birth certificate. I've never produced one to get mine, in either NJ or CA.


Have you ever thought that perhaps the reason Obama isn't "presenting evidence" is because he knows the claims are ludicrous and doesn't want to give them any attention because they don't deserve any? That if he did, it would get blown out of proportion from a small number of idiots to a very large number of idiots? Obama is politically savvy, he knows the ramifications of responding to knucklehead stuff.


Okay Obama wants to socialize the United States. That can absolutely not happen. That right there should disqualify him. He wants to take my money and give it to others which just pisses me off. Did you know that he can not account for his money. He and his wife make x amount of dollars. He can't produce anything on the rest of his money or where it came from. He can't produce documentation on his money but I have to give mine away. To hell with that.



Wow, just wow. I really should just hit the Ignore button on you. Either that or simply delete every stupid thing you say not because it contributes nothing, but because it actually devolves the discussion.

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The most recent documents seem to indicate that the motions to dismiss were granted. It's possible that I'm reading them wrong as I've never used that website before, but it looks like motions were filed and the court granted them.




Well, technically you CAN get a driver's license in the US without a birth certificate. I've never produced one to get mine, in either NJ or CA.


Have you ever thought that perhaps the reason Obama isn't "presenting evidence" is because he knows the claims are ludicrous and doesn't want to give them any attention because they don't deserve any? That if he did, it would get blown out of proportion from a small number of idiots to a very large number of idiots? Obama is politically savvy, he knows the ramifications of responding to knucklehead stuff.





Wow, just wow. I really should just hit the Ignore button on you. Either that or simply delete every stupid thing you say not because it contributes nothing, but because it actually devolves the discussion.



Everything I just said is true. Look at his record and his stances on the issues. How can you deny he wants socialism? As far as his personal money that is a true statement. There has been investigation but as with everything with this guy it gets pushed under a rug. Kash you can ignore me and thats fine but you are a typical California liberal I am a polar opposite of that. So that means we aren't meant to agree.

Edited by InCrYsIs

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his father was an admiral in the US navy.

he was born on a naval base.

all military bases are considered US soil.

he actually has a certified US certificate of birth.

for some unknown reason his opponenet cannot produce one.

you may be able to get a drivers liscense in CA without one.

CA is it's own little socialist entity.

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his father was an admiral in the US navy.

he was born on a naval base.

all military bases are considered US soil.

he actually has a certified US certificate of birth.

for some unknown reason his opponenet cannot produce one.

you may be able to get a drivers liscense in CA without one.

CA is it's own little socialist entity.


Amen to that. Led by that phony Republican. I'm all for California breaking away from the rest of the United States. San Fransicko is the center of Hell.

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I've been trying to remember this quote for the past few weeks and source for it finally came to me today.


Robert Heinlein


A perfect democracy, a 'warm body' democracy in which every adult may vote and all votes count equally has no internal feedback for self correction. It depends solely on the wisdom and self-restraint of citizens...which is opposed by the folly and lack of self-restraint of other citizens. What is supposed to happen in a democracy is that each sovereign citizen will always vote in the public interest for the safety and welfare of all. But what does happen is that he votes his own self-interest as he sees it...which for the majority translates as 'Bread and Circuses'


"Bread and Circuses is the cancer of democracy, the fatal disease for which there is no cure. Democracy often works beautifully at first. But once a state extends the franchise to every warm body, be he producer or parasite, that day marks the beginning of the end of the state. For when the plebs discover that they can vote themselves bread and circuses without limit and that the productive members of the body politic cannot stop them, they will do so, until the state bleeds to death, or in its weakened condition the state succumbs to an invader--the barbarians enter Rome."

(To Sail Beyond the Sunset, 227)


Regardless of your feelings toward conservatives and socialists you've got to pay attention to the above words because they are the truth and our future.

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Still there is the fact that Obama never served our country in the military. Also his lack of a track record in politics is astounding. Hes quite fresh and infact have you ever heard of a Barack Obama prior to last year? I never have so as far as I'm concerned he is too new and needs more experience. Also why would you vote in somebody how can't even hold a position for two years, already bidding up to a higher one. Now I will admit he does have more political experience in his right toe than palin has in her whole body but who likes Sarah Palin anyway. :rolleyes:

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you are a typical California liberal I am a polar opposite of that. So that means we aren't meant to agree.



you may be able to get a drivers liscense in CA without one.

CA is it's own little socialist entity.


I'm gonna say this for the last time. I just moved out here to California. I wasn't born here. I haven't spent most of my life here. I was born on the East Coast and have lived in NJ most of my life, a very moderate state. So stop throwing anything related to California in my face, you look like buffoons, especially since you don't know jack about any state other than your own. I don't make any conclusions based on your geographic location, so stop making ludicrous claims based on mine.


Rehit, I said you can also get a driver's license in NJ without a birth certificate, and I know for a fact that you also don't need one for New York and Pennsylvania. I wouldn't be surprised if the vast majority of states didn't require a birth certificate. Keep in mind that I'm saying a birth certificate isn't required, not that you can't use one in obtaining a driver's license. Getting a license in NJ is ridiculously hard, you need to bring in all sorts of documentation before they give it to you. So just because you aren't required to have a birth certificate doesn't make it any easier to get a license.


InCrysis, your post was nothing but vitriol and hate. If you have an issue with Obama's policies, you can voice them in a logical manner. Attacking them using angry and spiteful language makes you look like like an uneducated and indoctrinated sheep of the Republican party. Look at Lo's posts if you can't seem to figure out what I'm talking about (not that I expect you to).

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I'm gonna say this for the last time. I just moved out here to California. I wasn't born here. I haven't spent most of my life here. I was born on the East Coast and have lived in NJ most of my life, a very moderate state. So stop throwing anything related to California in my face, you look like buffoons, especially since you don't know jack about any state other than your own. I don't make any conclusions based on your geographic location, so stop making ludicrous claims based on mine.


Rehit, I said you can also get a driver's license in NJ without a birth certificate, and I know for a fact that you also don't need one for New York and Pennsylvania. I wouldn't be surprised if the vast majority of states didn't require a birth certificate. Keep in mind that I'm saying a birth certificate isn't required, not that you can't use one in obtaining a driver's license. Getting a license in NJ is ridiculously hard, you need to bring in all sorts of documentation before they give it to you. So just because you aren't required to have a birth certificate doesn't make it any easier to get a license.


InCrysis, your post was nothing but vitriol and hate. If you have an issue with Obama's policies, you can voice them in a logical manner. Attacking them using angry and spiteful language makes you look like like an uneducated and indoctrinated sheep of the Republican party. Look at Lo's posts if you can't seem to figure out what I'm talking about (not that I expect you to).

Off topic: I'm interested to know what you think of Obama's track political track record. Like how little experience he has compared to any candidate that ran in the primaries.

On topic: In PA you need a social security number in order to get your license but you don't need a birth certificate.

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I will admit, Obama's limited track record does not look good. However, there are many "experienced" people whose experience hasn't served them well, so I'm not that concerned about Obama's slim record. Plus, you can argue some of our best Presidents also had limited track records, such as Lincoln, FDR, Truman, and JFK whereas the ones with the most experience ended up being pretty poor Presidents, such as Hoover, Nixon, and Bush II.


I'm voting for Obama for a variety of reasons. He has a great educational background. I place a high value on a well educated person, and he couldn't have gotten a better one. Second, despite how well off he is now, he wasn't always so fortunate. So I know that he can better relate to the average American than McCain, who lived a life of privilege. Third, he has shown pretty good judgment in both domestic and foreign policy issues. Finally, he has run his campaign exceptionally well, and how one runs a campaign is a pretty good indicator of how one will be once in office. Clinton ran a poor campaign and lost as result, as is McCain, and so I don't think he's as well suited to run an entire branch of government.


While there are valid reasons for me to vote for Obama, I also have a slew of reasons to vote against McCain, but since you didn't ask that question, I'm going to leave it at that.

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