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Lesson Learned!


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Hey all,


Well after recieving the 6600GT AGP version for my birthday from my "not-so-tech-savy" parents, and now im building a new system and finding that I cant stand this AGP block, from making me move into PCI-E, well, i finally realized my card is the eVGA card, and is elligible for step-up program! yipee! i can step up to a card of a higher price level and just pay the difference, so I dont lose the value of my card!!


So ya, my mom is always nagging me to through my boxes out or stash them away etc. So i usually say okay fine, then i store my boxes away etc. BUT! This time i seemed to misplace every part from my 6600GT, manual, cd, connectors, etc were all over the place!


It took me 4 hours of scouring through my messy room, and all pc boxes to find all the parts, BUT I FINALLY FOUND IT!


Lesson: always keep your purchases in order, and organize them!


meh.. but now im happy ! 6800GT PCI-E!! here i come!

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Guest Shibby

Good stuff. So I guess you're moving up to a nF4 mobo, eh? Best price in TO, bar none: http://www.canadasys.com/part.htm#mb11


You can return broken stuff for 7 days, and they will do RMA's for one year. Cash only, they have stripped away all frills to get their prices this low :P

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Like a pack rat I save all of my boxes. They each have a date label on them that shows the expiration of the warranty. Every few months I cull the heard and let the dogs shred them a bit before I have a nice bonfire in the back yard.

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Shibby, is that Upper Canuckistan, Lower Canuckistan, Eastern Canuckistan, or Western Canuckistan? :) I have relatives in Central Canuckistan.


They are into Ice Fishing, Hockey, and Drinking. :D

They fight like demons when doing any of the three.

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Guest Shibby

I am from central Canuckistan originally, south-eastern Manitoba to be exact. Your relatives sound suspiciously like mine, perhaps we are distant relatives :P


Where in central Canuckistan are they from?


I've since moved on and am currently living in the center of the universe (gotta be Canuckistani to get that one).


@Fight-Game: step-up program is only for the first three months after you bought the vc, there's info on the eVGA site on getting hooked up with a new card.

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