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AS5/ASCing the NB Fan

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Ok, so do you guys spread it or put a dot on the chipset? I mean with CPUs you put a small dot and you let the HSF spread it, but clearly you don't get that kind of pressure with the DFI fan or even if you put something else on it.


I'm planning to take off the NB fan today and put some AS Ceramique on it (I don't trust my clumsy self with AS5 because I think I'll make a mess and zap zap fry fry).

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I usually spread a thin layer on the core.


This time though i just put a little dot in the middle of the core and put the heatsink over and pressed it down to make sure the AS5 spreads all over the core....


This probebly is the best way to go, this way all air comes out....


Don't worry about it squishing out the sides onto traces and components, it will not unless you put the hole tube on it....

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When working with a TIM that you aren't familiar with or components that you haven't used before, it's always best to do a test fit just to make sure you are getting proper coverage.


The cost of the extra TIM is worth making sure you do the job right.

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