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Sorry, but whats with Lian-Li?


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I have an Aspire X-Navigator Case, it cools extremely well, and it looks really good too. What is the big deal with everyone getting these Lian-Li cases? I have looked at them and the only one that looks intriguing to me is the one that has three chambers, but it is a LOT of money, im talking like over $250, and its also a server case. And i think I have only seen one with a side window(I like to see whats going on inside of my computer:)). Can someone tell me what the big deal is with these Lian-Li cases? Thanks

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Can someone tell me what the big deal is with these Lian-Li cases?


Sounds like a Seinfeld routine. :)


Beautifully machined aluminum, excellent fit and finish, no sharp edges, great heat transfer and light weight. As far as side windows goes, that's why the Lord made the Dremel. cuttin aluminum - like butta.

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Guest Blooz1

Picking out a case can be the hardest part to decide on! Do you go by looks, performance or cost? Do you expect to use this case just for one system, or do you expect to use it for a few years?


That's where a case like a Lian-Li comes in. They are very conservative in styling, as most of their customers tend to keep a case through more than one build.


I have a Lian-Li PC-65b which has had 3 different systems in it! The only reason it's not being used right now is the fact that I became tired of the noise of 80MM fans and prefer the quiet of low-speed 120MM fans.


Now that Lian-Li has models that meet this requirement, I'll do back to using one as soon as I can afford it!

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Most good things are always hyped, personally though I have a wavemaster, the built quality, ease of use, extra screws etc. So thats why we love our cases, plus they last a while and are pretty to look at, but any case will do, its personal preference and cooling ability, most allumium cases though are built better for heat transfer, so you get what you pay for, but I bought this cheap great little Rosewill case,and its great, flimsy cheap, but works like a charm and is pretty to boot (no pun intended).

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Lian Li has a reputation for not following the same 'accepted' construction principles as many other companies out their today. Their cases are of solid construction, exacting fit of components, elegant design, and a multitude of options to suit the versatility of various people - enthusiast or not.

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Just be glad you got one of those and not the x-dreamer it is a frigging nightmare. I bought it for my GF and it has caused no end of problems due to poor cooling and simple poor design. The one you got looks like it is based on the chemming Antec/ Chieftec chassis and those chassis are fantastic. I have had a couple antecs like that and they are great. I would love to have a Lian-Li case but the antec/chenming cases are great too as long as you avoid the Aluminum ones. It takes some serious quality control to make a Ai case that doesn't piss you off and that is why the copies are not taking a serious chunk of there business not just hype.

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I own a Lian-Li PC-V1000, and I can say I will never own another non-lian-li ever again. The case is built like a tank. Not like my last case, a cheap butt Antec Super Lanboy.


Its tough, sexy, easy to work on, no ugly window, no ugly annoying blue fans, etc. Thats enough for me to buy it.

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