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Re recommended install of WinXP

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First of all I want to thank you all for a terrific forum, which is great support for a loner like me in far off England.


One small suggestion for Angry Games:- In his basic order of loading software on fresh install, he neglected to include the reminder to first install dot Net before the ATI video card drivers and control centre.


It took me about 3 hours before I found out why the ATI drivers would not install properly, especially as I chose to install the latest drivers from the ATI website, and not off the installation CD.




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Yeah I agree,there were quite a few issues with CCC and .Net when they bundled it in with the new Drivers.


I dont know anyone with a ATI card who uses the CCC that requires .Net.I believe they have resolved the issues with it now(or have improved it massively)


I only use .Net to create my NLite cds(highly recommended for Windows BTW).



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Once dot net is installed there have never been any further problems with the ATI package. I recommend that the CCC be installed. It is pretty, and gives you a great deal of adjustments (everything) for the video card.



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