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bios reading 12.6 volts on 12v rail...

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now i know bios are notorious for being off just as much as mbm and others but is having too high a voltage something that i should worry about? i was looking around and saw daves thread on checking the volts, but nothing on whether too high was a problem, if its even too high to begin with (ive seen 12.5-12.7)


and every other rail reads within .1 volts or so, but the 12 is kinda off..


should i investigate this further? ive got a voltmeter laying around somewhere..

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Sometimes to much volts can be a problem.Example i just purchased some more mushkin 3500 BH5 old BH5 and just recived it yesterday and started testing the memory and while going up on the volts i went a little to far and lost my auido,no sound just cracking.Even if i turned off the volume off it did not matter it still cracked very loudly.The only way to stop it was to go back down on the volts.I also found that one of my memorys if i put to much volts on it i could not get it runing worth of sh t on a overclock.Your setup may be diffrent,but it can cause problems.(IMOP)

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