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Cannot install XP - unknown BSOD

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Hi all,


I've spent most of today trying to install XP on my A64 system, and I'm running out of hair to pull out!! :)





A64 3700+ San Diego

2Gb OCZ PC3200EL 2-3-2-5

2 x 250Gb Seagate 7200.8

6800GT PCI-E

500w Antec Smartpower 2.0


Everything is hooked up properly. I'm running the latest official BIOS, 623-3. I've removed the battery, power and done a clear CMOS (as per Angry's instructions).


I can install XP completely, using the floppy with the 6.66 drivers for the NVRAID. It sees the disc, reads it and I install both drivers from it during the textmode portion. Everything installs properly, I choose my time zone etc etc part (CD-key as well).


Then on the first reboot, that is, the one which would normally go into XP for the first time, it BSOD's the moment the BIOS stops doing it's thing and starts to load Windows.


I've created a bootable CD with nLite integrating the NVRAID stuff, burned it at 4x, to no avail.


If I install to just one drive or the other, using the built-in drivers - everything works. Install completes properly and there are no errors in the event log. If I try to do RAID 0, it BSODs. :(


My C: during the textmode portion is being partitioned to 120gb.


Please, for the love of God, help me. I cannot figure it out. You guys are my only hope!






NB: I cannot see the BSOD error code, it reboots far too quickly.

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In my experience when i have bsod it is usually one of 3 things ram timmings ,psu or driver conflict. run memtest from the bios. If that checks trying a different set of mb nForce4 Standalone Drivers 6.53

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hi i've got a very simialr problem ecept i only have 1 sata seagate 250gb hd


i had tried doing the old fashioned way of booting the sata driver off a cd and installig xp sp2 slipstreamed it intstalled then when it restarted after bios i'd get get winxp complaining that i dont have sata drivers to finish install and i cant even diret it to the floppy!


so i created a slipstremed cd with the latest post sp2 updates+nf display divers+sata drivers+modem (i've done nlite slipstrem many times so i know there isnt much wrong here + same msg wheather or not i use this cd or not)


it installed fine and even got to finish installing (installion will be complete in ## mins screen)

after that it reboot and after bios section i get the message xp wasnt shut down properly "start in {safenomal} mode" then after a few secs i get bsod (if i select one of the options i get bsod)


i've done memtest for 4 passes ad tried both sticks individually for both memtest and installbooting



bsod msg is:

"a problem has benn detected n windows has been shut down to prevent dmg to ur comp


if this is da 1st time u've seen this stop error screen restart ur comp. if this screen appars again follow thses steps:

{sortening more to much to write}

check 4 viruses , remove any hd's or hd controllers.check hd 4 proper config n termination run CHKDSK /F fro hd coruptin n restart comp.


tech info:

*** stop: 0x0000007b (0xf79f7528b, 0xc0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)"






cddvd drivers work perfectly

hd seems to work well a well


i'm thinking it could the mb or the nf4 chipsetsata controller

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I had the same problem, followed these instructions and it worked fine. I did slipstream all the nforce4 x64 drives though, not just the sata ones.




Make sure you do this part


2. Copy the following files (you find them in the SATARAID/PATARAID folder of your NVIDIA chipset driver package) into the just created folder "OEMDIR":


nvatax64.inf (you find it in the subfolder PATARAID, take it even for Sata Raid systems)


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Please create a signature. See my signature for link.

Have you flashed your bios to the latest official bios? The "shipped" bios does not support your processor. - Need to do this first.

Have you run memtest.

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Make sure you do this part


2. Copy the following files (you find them in the SATARAID/PATARAID folder of your NVIDIA chipset driver package) into the just created folder "OEMDIR":


nvatax64.inf (you find it in the subfolder PATARAID, take it even for Sata Raid systems)



i used nlite 1.0b5 to slipstream the drivers it goes through and installs windows correctly but the error come when i try to boot windows on it own


do need to do this part as well as what nlite has intgrated?

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