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Is it worth getting the DFI NF3 Ultra-D or....

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...the MSI Neo 2 Platinum now?


I would prefer the DFI (hell I even ordered it, but canceled the order), but there seems to be so many problems with it, with the resistor, the BIOS etc etc.


I need to proper advice from you chaps, whether to get the DFI or the MSI. Will DFI get things sorted in a few weeks?


Thanks in advance



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I'm really struggling to make a decision guys.


The MSI, good board, reasonable BIOS etc..


The DFI, can be a superb board, pants BIOS currently, and has some hardware issues (have DFI released a modified PCB?)



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I'm really struggling to make a decision guys.


The MSI, good board, reasonable BIOS etc..


The DFI, can be a superb board, pants BIOS currently, and has some hardware issues (have DFI released a modified PCB?)




Rev2 was only speculation, and we most likely won't know for a while yet if there will be or won't be another reivision of the board.


I've got both, and while the MSI worked fine off the bat for me, it did have its fair share of problems. If I were to keep one of the boards that i've got, i'd keep the DFI. Eventually these problems will be sorted, hopefully through BIOS updates. We've just got to play the waiting game :rolleyes:



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Paul is the prospective or do you have it and trying to decide to keep it?

Athlon 64 Venice 3000+


2 x 512Mb OCZ PC3200 PLatinum Limited Edition (BH-6)

Asus V9999GT 128Mb 6800GT

Creative Audigy 2 ZS

120Gb Maxtor Plus 9

2 x 80Gb WD SE

NEC ND2500A DVD burner


If you have not bought then I certainly would not buy an Nvidia chipet video card in the 6800 class to go with Nvidia's *own* NF3 chipset as the two do not play well together and have NOT since Nvidia released NF3 chipset for use on any motherboard. Asus, Abit, Epox or MSI. The 6800 class cards have problems with any NF3 chipset board.


Always with DFI it is the power supply first and then the memory that mUst be attended to. You do not list the first order of busines > the power supply.


And I suppose lastly the ever present question about revisions. There is not going to be any major revision to this series of board that no matter who it is manufactured by is STILL backwards tech. PCi-E is the technology for the here and now and forward looks and the mating of a 939 cpu and the basically 754 bit chipset (NF3) is only intended to fit a few users that did not move forward when the rest of technology began to move.


So maybe you get a little clearer picture of the 'why' of only 3 manufacturers making this class of board anyway. The 939 cpu was built by AMD to communicate by, over or thru an HTT bus terminal and not respond to AGP at all. The fact that it is working at all speaks pretty good about some engineers at the 3 companies producing this class of board.


Now I am using at this exact minute to type to you> my personal NF3 Ultra-D and a 6800GT OC video card (Hate 6800 cards) and at 220X11 with the new Ocz Gamer Edition BH-5/UTT memory at 1T 2,2,2,7 and roken along. Had good Gskil PC4400LE in at 270x10 just a few hours ago and slipped in the gamerE because some user asked about it. Running the 711.bin bios and removed the 716 resistor myself.


The board runs. Will the board stomach heavy handed throwing of parts at it? Not likely. Will it run an AGP video card and have dual channel and 939 cpu at the same time? Yes it does. Is the end all be all of a mating of 939 and AGP that all hoped for? That mating was likely doomed to appear like a the mating of a poodle and a rottweiler from the outset. Produce a strange looking offspring.


Now you go make up your mind and even take a look over at some forums about the neo2 thing and you will find exactly what I found. 6800/Nf3 bug is in all boards. Strange things happen to all manufactured boards. But do not forget there are quite a number of us in here that are using the DFI NF3 U-D and doing OK.



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Is the end all be all of a mating of 939 and AGP that all hoped for? That mating was likely doomed to appear like a the mating of a poodle and a rottweiler from the outset. Produce a strange looking offspring.


If only I had known this before I decided to change over. Though I guess I must be a little lucky in terms of the 6800/NF3 combination - I managed to fix my stalling problem by disabling fastwrites, so that's fine now.


It's a shame you've got such a high-end AGP card. If you didn't it'd be ideal to go with an NF4 setup instead. I'm quite surprised to hear that 939 isn't exactly native to AGP. However it shouldn't come as much of a surprise. I mean, it'd be silly for AMD to keep making sure their products are backward compatible when they're trying to make the push towards PCI-E. At least they realise a fair few people will still buy an NF3 board for 939 chips.


By the way, what's happening Rgone? Your posts are easy as to read now! There's nothing to decipher!



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RGone, I don't have either board yet. I did order the DFI but cancelled the order, but not changed my sig.


The PSU I have is a 350w Enermax unit that has good amperage on all rails.


Its odd that some people have the stuttering and some people do not though...


I just want to go A64 for 6~9 months before I go PCI-E, and the NF3 is the only option I have unfortunately as the VIA chipsets are not overly good.


Basically if I get the DFI board that comes with that resistor attached, can I RMA straight to DFI and they will sort it for me?


Or if I get the MSI, it will just work.


Damn these decisions.


I guess I really need opinions on both mobo's and pick one, as both will provide what I need for the 6~9 months I'll be using it.

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as both will provide what I need for the 6~9 months I'll be using it.


If that is all you plan to use it then any board would make it. Man I thought you were doing programming and testing for NASA space shots and needed all just so.


Leave the freeken resistor alone and use Hoots or Rebelshavens voltage from DMM reading to set Vcore and forget it.


That is pretty much it overall with the exception of the power supply and all you can do is try it. The 939 cpu needs a lot of +12volts to run well and MY GUESS is about 24amps worth on the +12Volt rail so you can see what that PSU puts out.




@DeNs I'm quite surprised to hear that 939 isn't exactly native to AGP. However it shouldn't come as much of a surprise. I mean, it'd be silly for AMD to keep making sure their products are backward compatible when they're trying to make the push towards PCI-E. At least they realise a fair few people will still buy an NF3 board for 939 chips.


By the way, what's happening Rgone? Your posts are easy as to read now! There's nothing to decipher!


I do not have time to write any fun posts anymore. Too much BS and users cannot make X go because they should have bought Y in the first place. Hehehe. All the information about 939/NF3 has been out and about on the net just people so wanted the cake and the ability to eat it too that they paid no attention to the details that are out there. Too much review dependence instead of solid research really is the cause of that. So true and reality in general *(I mean, it'd be silly for AMD to keep making sure their products are backward compatible when they're trying to make the push towards PCI-E.)* as manufactures only make money if they can sell new stuff. Nvidia and ATI surely want all to go for newer cards. Life and business in general.





RGone, I don't have either board yet. I did order the DFI but cancelled the order, but not changed my sig.


The PSU I have is a 350w Enermax unit that has good amperage on all rails.


Its odd that some people have the stuttering and some people do not though...


I just want to go A64 for 6~9 months before I go PCI-E, and the NF3 is the only option I have unfortunately as the VIA chipsets are not overly good.


Basically if I get the DFI board that comes with that resistor attached, can I RMA straight to DFI and they will sort it for me?


Or if I get the MSI, it will just work.


Damn these decisions.


I guess I really need opinions on both mobo's and pick one, as both will provide what I need for the 6~9 months I'll be using it.

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RGone, I don't have either board yet. I did order the DFI but cancelled the order, but not changed my sig.


The PSU I have is a 350w Enermax unit that has good amperage on all rails.


Its odd that some people have the stuttering and some people do not though...


I just want to go A64 for 6~9 months before I go PCI-E, and the NF3 is the only option I have unfortunately as the VIA chipsets are not overly good.


Basically if I get the DFI board that comes with that resistor attached, can I RMA straight to DFI and they will sort it for me?


Or if I get the MSI, it will just work.


Damn these decisions.


I guess I really need opinions on both mobo's and pick one, as both will provide what I need for the 6~9 months I'll be using it.





Amps on my PSU are as follows:-


3.3v - 32A

5v - 32A

12v - 26A


Will this be sufficiant?





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