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Windows xp sp#2

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Suio, I'm sorry but nLite works almost perfectly. Especially if the only thing you are doing is slipstreaming. Might want to check if you did something wrong.


I highly recommend using nLite, clean installs every time.


OK, try this. Boot from the nLite CD and then select recovery insted of a fresh install. After the prompt, select the windows you want repair (usually number 1). The program will hang there. Also, nLite installation has a bug that asks you to insert installation CD every time when something is changed.

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OK, try this. Boot from the nLite CD and then select recovery insted of a fresh install. After the prompt, select the windows you want repair (usually number 1). The program will hang there. Also, nLite installation has a bug that asks you to insert installation CD every time when something is changed.

I have repaired many an installation of XP with my Service Pack 2 slipstreamed XP disk, no problems here suio. You said there is problems with Nlite and Slipstreaming (2 different things, yet Nlite can slipstream SP2 into XP as one of its functions). If there was then no one would use Nlite or slipstream... Heck, even Microsoft recommend and have a full guide on how to slipstream SP2 into Windows XP...


But you have to be careful with Nlite, it does make the job easier but i've known ppl to remove essential services before when using it without realising.

If your not certain then just make your XP SP2 disk the normal way...


Also, nLite installation has a bug that asks you to insert installation CD every time when something is changed.

Don't understand quite what you mean here, but if its what i think you mean then that is normal if you install from a CD and want to add extra features you didn't add during the original install...

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I have repaired many an installation of XP with my Service Pack 2 slipstreamed XP disk, no problems here suio. You said there is problems with Nlite and Slipstreaming (2 different things, yet Nlite can slipstream SP2 into XP as one of its functions). If there was then no one would use Nlite or slipstream... Heck, even Microsoft recommend and have a full guide on how to slipstream SP2 into Windows XP...


But you have to be careful with Nlite, it does make the job easier but i've known ppl to remove essential services before when using it without realising.

If your not certain then just make your XP SP2 disk the normal way...



Don't understand quite what you mean here, but if its what i think you mean then that is normal if you install from a CD and want to add extra features you didn't add during the original install...



(1) Both NLite and Slipstream CDs didn't work on windows repaire for me. The nLite CD was created without removing any extra feature. I have an original Corp Win XP Pro CD. I oversee over 100,000 PCs in my company and it is known for us.


(2) The "Windows File Protection" is a well known nLite bug. Check nLite discussion forum.

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Well i have no issues what so ever with mine. I did a repair install on my XP installation just 2 days ago too...

Can't comment on Nlite because i've never used it so i'll take your word for it on that :) yet i know a few who do use it and have recommended it... but there is DEFINITELY nothing wrong with slipstreaming the normal way... If your having issues with that too then the fault must be yours on that one :tooth:

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I don't think repair installations are the best idea. But maybe what's causing your problem is you removed the manual upgrade feature? (44.4 mb)


Also about the WFP thing, did you try the version released yesterday? It's supposed to fix those popups.

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