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** A64 Overclocking Guide **

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Thunda any idea why it would just shut itself off like that? it surely wasnt the temperatures... I am still trying to figure it out, what tests should i run overnight to ensure the stability? I have run memtest overnight for 8 hrs already with no errors. Maybe I will do Prime95 overnight with the highest setting stress test see what happens... Would it ever just shut itself off it were unstable? And could 1.625v be too much for the VCOre?

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As much as I want to help you.. You do realize this is a DFI motherboard forum right ?


It doesnt mean we wont help you.. but we are more familiar and experienced with DFI motherboards... You might want to check out the Abit forum and see if what your experiencing is an issue with the bios your using maybe..


We can only help with the basics.. but unfortunatly we dont really know abit boards inside and out.. at least I dont..

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Is it normal for my PWM temperature (Power supply Module on Motherboard) to be at 54 degrees when running Prime95 for 8 hrs? The processor only reached about 48 celcius and the motherboard bout 39 celcius.. I know prime 95 stresses the hell out of it but are those temps normal?

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My computer keeps randomly just powering off. What could be causing this problem? Auto shut off is set to 85 degrees celcius, and its only the CPU shutoff that is enabled.. Does anyone know why it would just randomly turn off? It usually happens when I havent turned on the computer for a bit.. And it does it at random times, no beep ( what its supposed to do when it overheats ). Could this be a sign of instability? I have run OCCT, Prime95, Memtest for over 8 hrs each. Also ran a Sisoft Sandra burn in test. My CPU core is at 1.65, RAM is 2.90, HT 1.25v and the NForce4 is at 1.7v. Any suggestions or help will be greatly appreciated... Thank you

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i got the same problem here....i cant get more than 210 FSB 1:1...iam trying to figure out my max memory speed but i faild everytime i got above 210 FSB 1:1..


i dont like 5:6 or any of thos out of sync setups....i just want to see my ram hitting 270 FSB 1:1 agian and no matter what the cost is..



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My computer keeps randomly just powering off. What could be causing this problem? Auto shut off is set to 85 degrees celcius, and its only the CPU shutoff that is enabled.. Does anyone know why it would just randomly turn off? It usually happens when I havent turned on the computer for a bit.. And it does it at random times, no beep ( what its supposed to do when it overheats ). Could this be a sign of instability? I have run OCCT, Prime95, Memtest for over 8 hrs each. Also ran a Sisoft Sandra burn in test. My CPU core is at 1.65, RAM is 2.90, HT 1.25v and the NForce4 is at 1.7v. Any suggestions or help will be greatly appreciated... Thank you
I wish I was more familiar with your mobo.. but the best advice I can give you is to try different timings and voltages ONE at a time to see if one is making this happen..


i got the same problem here....i cant get more than 210 FSB 1:1...iam trying to figure out my max memory speed but i faild everytime i got above 210 FSB 1:1..


i dont like 5:6 or any of thos out of sync setups....i just want to see my ram hitting 270 FSB 1:1 agian and no matter what the cost is..



It would help if you could post your geni bios and dram settings that your using when hitting the wall at 210htt..


Also do you know what chips your ram uses ?

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