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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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I already had to do it once with my Neo2 and then it screwed up, so I hope things go at least reasonably smoothly for this board.


Hmm, what happened when you got a PCI SATA card for the Neo2? I have 4 SATA drives, so I might be going Neo2 since it has optical SPDIF output instead of DFI board (if the 2 of the SATAs aren't locked). Let me know!


Angry: Apparently some people have the board. Hope to hear from them on the SATA issue as well. :nod:



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Data Corruption. Simple.
That's pretty much what I assumed......that or simply not detecting like AG confirmed.....like I said I wasn't necessarily asking what you were thinking about this new board and how many would be liked, just wanted a definitive answer as to what happens if they arent locked.....wasn't sure if it was exactly like a PCI bus going beyond 33Mhz or what.....


Oh well......suppose if I absolutely need another drive, IDE won't be that bad if it turns out only 2 of the ports are locked......that sucks if it's solely the chipsets fault

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well, i hate you all. :nod:


im finally moving off my 3200 claw that i bought 20 months ago now that some of you have started getting these in hand.


just ordered a 4000 sd, so it should hold me over for another 18-20 months seeing as i dont do anything but game on my pc.


oh and a big thanks to AG and R, been lurking on these forums for 8 months now, and i can still remember how much i drooled when i heard the 1st rumors of a 939 agp from dfi... well that time has finally come. i know you'll post all pros/cons on these boards. now i just have to hang tight and find one.

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im a noob in these locking system,

if i use a ide 80gig hard-drive or a 2 s-ata h-d raid 0 and i oc htt 280mhz ,is it a probleme for me ?


It looks like only two of the ports on the board will be locked, and this is already the case with the MSI K8N Neo2 - It's looking likely that this board will have the same issue - which means that you will be able to use at least two of the ports when OCing to high HTT frequencies. However two of them at least should be completely locked and you'll be able to use you HDDs on them without worry.


Hmm, what happened when you got a PCI SATA card for the Neo2? I have 4 SATA drives, so I might be going Neo2 since it has optical SPDIF output instead of DFI board (if the 2 of the SATAs aren't locked). Let me know!


Angry: Apparently some people have the board. Hope to hear from them on the SATA issue as well. :nod:




Well the SATA card itself screwed up, and ironically it corrupted quite a bit of my data that I had on there. I had intermittent lockups with it and had to RMA the card. If you get a decent SATA PCI card for the Neo2 you'll have no problems with OCing the board.


Got a replacement card and all is well. It's a shame because i've planned to get 2x more 200GB drives if the DFI board could handle it, otherwise i'll need to get another PCI card.


Edit: AG: Well rgone said that it was a NF3 problem, not a board problem, hence why i'm skeptical about it if this really is the issue. Though now Tim has confirmed that ports 1, 2 and 3 are locked, i'm a little less of a skeptic about it ;)



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im a noob in these locking system,

if i use a ide 80gig hard-drive or a 2 s-ata h-d raid 0 and i oc htt 280mhz ,is it a probleme for me ?



For example, on MSI Neo2 Platinum, there are 4 SATA ports. 1, 2, 3 and 4. If you use 1 and/or 2 SATA ports, you won't be able to overclock higher than a certain HTT. i.e. 220 But if you are using port 3 and 4 which are locked, you are fine. IDE drives shouldn't be a problem.


So if DFI's new board's SATA ports aren't locked, it will be the same as Neo2, so you will basically have only 2 usable SATA ports when overclocking. If you have 2 or less SATA HDs, you won't be affected by this problem.


EDIT: oops, I only saw Dens' post just now. Sorry for repetitive explanation. :)


Dens: Thanks. I guess I will have to wait and see how DFI performs and decide between the two then. :D

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EDIT: oops, I only saw Dens' post just now. Sorry for repetitive explanation. :)


Dens: Thanks. I guess I will have to wait and see how DFI performs and decide between the two then. :D


lol that's ok - things get replied to so fast on here that it's almost impossible to know if you're gonna be the first one to answer.



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