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NBA playoffs thread, come on there has to bee some Jocks!

Guest Joalaielna_merged

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Guest Joalaielna

Easter/Western Semi-finals:


Detroit will beat Indiana in 7

San Antiono will beat Seattle in 6

phoenix will beat Dallas in 6

and Miami already won



Detroit over miami in 5

San Anttiono over Phoenix in 7




Detroit over San Antiono in 6! :D


Anybody else with predictions or comments, speak up.

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uh, i guess i'm the only one.


Don't want to rain on the thread but think most people just don't care anymore.


Have you SEEN all the empty seats in the playoff arenas??? Incredible!!!


I just can't get into it like the old days when I dropped everything to sit on the couch and watch the MJ and the Bulls....They'd pull it off every night somehow----someway and Rodman was entertaining (and no one will admit it) but also a fine rebounder. All around the country you could even hear Little League baseball teams hollering "What Time is it??? GAME TIME----UHH!!!


And those Utah Jazz finals where it hung on EVERY basket-----EVERY game.....


It's so set piece now and it just seems NO ONE plays with their heart or a leave it all out there on the floor attitude....Money----Money---Money----that's it...


The NBA has just lost something........Even that great Detroit series over the Lakers last year left me hohum....


Can't quite put my finger on it.....


I think I see them as spoiled too much.....too many babies, whiners and thugs


College Basketball is just soooo much more exciting-----the kids play with reckless abandon EVERY night.....


And sure there is money involved----but they just seem to play for the love of the game----and they seem to enjoy it soooo much more than the pros


When I think NBA-----The word STALE comes to mind......


My 2 cents


Detroit over San Antonio in 7

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I think johnrr6 really hit it on the nose, the NBA has really dropped off a lot. It somehow just isn't near as exciting to watch anymore. Every NBA player does seem to drop into one of four categories :


(a) not-black

(B) gangsta

© professional whiner

(d) that one whats-his-name who is always that guy that plays very little

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god I hate basketball...how hard is it for a 7 foot tall black man to shoot a basket????they should make a height req of no taller than 5 foot then it would get interesting:)


cant wait for hockey and football yeah baby!

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nba has gone down hill. a bunch guys with to much money and not enough brains. from choking the coach to fighting fans in the bleachers its just out of control. and they still get to play. not to mention waaaaaay to many three point shots are taken.

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Guest Joalaielna

I agree that alot of Players don't care , Like Vince Carter. But i do believe that Detroit works Hard and their hart is into it. I was a NBA hater just a few years ago. but i got converted when i saw how hard Detroit plays. oh and Txmale There is Way Way to many threes.

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I agree that alot of Players don't care , Like Vince Carter. But i do believe that Detroit works Hard and their hart is into it. I was a NBA hater just a few years ago. but i got converted when i saw how hard Detroit plays. oh and Txmale There is Way Way to many threes.



I think threes have totally backfired.....


Was supposed to add excitement and make up for the lack of offense and the dominance of defense in the modern game....


In the old days----almost EVERY game went over 100 points----and there was NO three pointer....


But the game has gotten so much rougher physically inside-----and you have these three hundred pound behemoths like Shaq roughing up the inside-----just tougher to score in the paint.....


Hence the Three.....


But now teams just live and die on the three and have forgotten some basic principles-----(moving the ball and finding the open man)


Makes for boring, one sided affairs if one team is not hitting their threes...


I agree-----Detroit plays with heart----and tough D----and----what's even more amazing----scores a LOT inside the paint....finds the open man a LOT.....TEAMWORK! Old style basketball----fun to watch and appreciate....


Reminds me of the old Bulls defensively----maybe even the old Knicks.... Hound you----hound you----hound you----up and down the court and never let you relax and "just bring the ball up."


All these bombadiers from Waaaaaay outside-----ridiculous!


My 2 cents

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Joalaielna

Well the finals are upon us and it's detroit and San An after all. Game 7 in miami was very intense, My heat was poundin. I don't know how much more i can take. Go Detroit!

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It would take a fellow michigander to champion the NBA playoffs.


It was an exciting game tonite and I enjoyed it,especially w/Detroit winning.

I used to play 7 days a week,had a real "basketball jones",but now if I get injured it would affect my livelyhood too much,so had to quit.


Still, it just doesn't seem the same anymore ,not like in the days of threepeat.

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when Michael Jordan left


the game took a dive


now it is all about thugs and gangstas and ball hogging (Kobe/Iverson/etc)


its a stupid game now and I refuse to watch it






like any pro sport really...they are all overpaid crybabies




i still like hockey (pro hockey is on my . list for real this year if they dont have a season)

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Well I like alot of the opinions in here, but it will come around. Someday. I really hate how EVERY newcomer is compared to Jordan, man that gets old. Like everyone just wants him to come back or somethin'. I understand that he was the SHIZZNIZZLE, but cmon, there will NEVER be another Jordan for a long time, if ever.


Really sucks that the Heat lost. I go for the underdog, and don't tell me Detroit was cause I will ignore it. I'm tired of the same two teams going to the Finals. Larry Brown, great coach, hands down.


The no heart comment applies to alot of the players out there, but Alonzo Mourning, cmon guys, he played his butt off. Kidney transplant and doin what he does. He's got more heart than I do. You can't tell me he gets payed all that much (it's a hell of alot more than you or me) but for NBA paychecks, his is mismal. It's really too bad that they couldn't pull it off. I don't really know why they let Wade play, should have sat him on the @#$@! bench...idiots. Sometimes it almost feels scripted.


I play basketball, grew up playin basketball and can't really say I'm even gonna watch the Finals. Just better stuff to do like, hmmm....get to 2.8Ghz.

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