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OCZ powerstream 600w into a thermaltake armor

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ok... so it won't fit in.... what do i do now..... i like the case so i will keep it.... do i start cutting.... or returning stuff... need some help fast... THX

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ok... so it won't fit in.... what do i do now..... i like the case so i will keep it.... do i start cutting.... or returning stuff... need some help fast... THX


Oh come on now. Not a doubt in my mind. Cut that sucka!


If it's the case and PSU you want, MAKE it fit. That's what God made power tools for!


@ ][nSaNe - you ok bro? talkin crazy sheet. You don't even use a case!


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Cut what, where???


Cut THAT, there!!!


Link to the neoseeker review of the Armour. Think I see what you are talking about.



Not sure if it's a width or length issue. maybe both. Where there is a will there is a way :) hopefully. http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10631

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