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nf4 SLI-D/R Don't Use NVTune??

Guest GuNNeR_merged

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Guest GuNNeR

My sli-d died and ive rma'd it, i was without a board so i went out and got a sli-dr (and omg for the extra 10 bucks, you get a 10x times better package than the sli-d), and what i was wondering is, is it safe to use nvtune on these boards, a mod at this forum told me it was nvtune that killed my last dfi board.

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Avoid software tuning in general (A64 Tweaker, Clockgen, etc.), but specifically stay away from nTune, since you really have little control over what it is doing. I'm sure one of the moderators will add this, later, but DFI does not test, support or recommend any software tuning.

Stick to the BIOS.

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Can someone from DFI explain why it is then that the nTune software is included on the DFI CD included with the motherboard, and the manual explains in detail how to use nTune? I am truly puzzled by this and I think it is one of the legitimate knocks on the PC crowd and one of the key reasons why more people do not build their own computers. I mean, if it doesn't work and isn't supported by DFI, then why include it?


Similarly, if you install the USB drivers from the CD provided with the motherboard as any normal person would do, your USB ports will only operate at 1.1, but if you install the drivers that come with WinXP SP2, you get 2.0. Why is that? It just seems like such a stupid oversight and the whole thing should be more user friendly. As a consumer, you shouldn't be provided with something that doesn't work or might actually make your board defective, and you should be provided some explanation about how to make it work properly.

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Guest hazard

all those windows tunning programs are shiffty ... most people who are into overclocking dont use them anyway. i have never seen a reliable windows based overclocking utility . so there for i stay away from all of them ...

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It really doesnt matter why it is included it doesnt work as well as changing the bios. Nuf said.


Good idea in thery but it will be a long time before those programs are realy safe and there is a warning in the program.

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Well yes but to quote from the Box that an NF4 SLI-DR comes in


"nTune: ... the only safe overclocking solution"


This is plainly not the case and as such should not be on the box as it is misleading. if nTune is no good then DFI should either not advertise it or remove it altogether. Perhaps the box/advertising is done by the marketing people and the brains of the outfit (Mr Wu etc) have little or no input.

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Well yes but to quote from the Box that an NF4 SLI-DR comes in


"nTune: ... the only safe overclocking solution"


This is plainly not the case and as such should not be on the box as it is misleading. if nTune is no good then DFI should either not advertise it or remove it altogether. Perhaps the box/advertising is done by the marketing people and the brains of the outfit (Mr Wu etc) have little or no input.



Just dont use it. period. Ntune worked fairly well with the nfII's but nf4 wise, it sucks.


Use your bios, or clockgen.

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Well yes but to quote from the Box that an NF4 SLI-DR comes in


"nTune: ... the only safe overclocking solution"


This is plainly not the case and as such should not be on the box as it is misleading. if nTune is no good then DFI should either not advertise it or remove it altogether. Perhaps the box/advertising is done by the marketing people and the brains of the outfit (Mr Wu etc) have little or no input.


That makes sence I am sure that the brains have input at some point but advertising guys have a diffrent language I would not be suprised if this was leteraly true also.

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