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NF4 SLI - RE starting

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I am the proud owner of the nf4 sli,ihave flashed the bios to the latest one.But the bloody thing keeps restarting after 20 mins.I have swithed the sli off which helps but it still restarts when i play games,i have just purchased the new Enermax 660w sli power supply but still no joy even if i run at stock speeds still no joy?I am runing 2x6800 ultras and a fx55 with mach 2 gt cooling which i know is a lot of power but i think the enermax is upto the job its about the most powerful supply out there at the mo.

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Does not matter ddr550 gskill le.I can run at 200fsb or 275 makes no difference i put 3.1volts through it.Have an fx55 run it in auto and 1.55 + 1.13%.It will boot and i can use it for about 20-30 mins before it restarts if i turn sli off and just surf the web it's fine i justed played unreal for a hour and it restarted twice.It does restart in windows when runing both cards i have tried leaving the cmos in auto that don't work.

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if i turn sli off and just surf the web it's fine ........It does restart in windows when runing both cards.....

Download driver cleaner, run it, reboot, reinstall Vid drivers and make sure it finds both cards. Once the drivers are installed and it restarts, there will be a balloon that pops up and says "SLI capable system, click here to activate" or somthing along those lines, click the balloon then click the check box "enable SLI multi GPU" and then reboot again. :)

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Another thought, verify that all the little jumpers are properly seated for SLI and make sure both cards a firmly seated. Also make sure the SLI bridge is firmly attached to the top of the cards. Double check that the fans on both cards are working properly.

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I have detonator r.i.p where can i find driver cleaner and also what video driver do you recomend,i will remove my cards and try that as well,i can't check the fans as the cards are water cooled,thanks for the advise.At the moment i am using 76.10 video and 71.84 display

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Here is a link to download Driver Cleaner: http://downloads.guru3d.com/download.php?det=745


You have 2 versions of drivers listed? 76.10 and 71.84...only 1 of these should be used. The 71.84 are the official release from Nvidia (WHQL certified) and the 76.10 are the latest "beta" or "leaked" drivers. 76.10 shows some performance gains while 71.84 are the only "official" drivers as I mentioned before. :)

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please check the rules and the Important Info threads stuck to the top of this section.


If you are looking for help, reading this is the most important first-step for you to take.


this helps us tremendously to help you solve your issue if we can see what is in your system every time you post:









Be as thorough as possible please. Voltages, timings, settings, bios version, etc.


The more information you give us about the problem, and the more details about your hardware in your sig = more help we can give you.

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