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Corsair Select Value RAM compatibility

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My 2Cents:


If you are gonna buy the good stuff...get the best stuff:


OCZ with the VX moniker...extreme voltage..pretty much made for these DFI NF4 boards ...they luv the jumper! :)


As you can see from my sig..I just threw in some Geil I had...I am not a rich man...I have to piece together the BEST parts when I can afford them.


This memory will be my next purchase (IRS..send me that damn check will ya?)

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2x512mb Corsair Value/Ultra-D here with no problems. Running stock 1t aswell which I think these sticks are 2t.


vdimm set to 2.6 ran memtest 12-16 hours with no errors. It even ran on the first stock BIOS. All I did was load optimal BIOS settings as mentioned by RGone and a few others and installed WinXP with 1 stick of 512mb. But now I install WinXP with both sticks with no problems.


I've also heard from a few on anandtech that was using these sticks with no problems. For $100-$110 for a gig kit on newegg I don't think you can go wrong.

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I just installed Corsair VS (2x512) for a brand new build and it's running absolutely problem free, 2.5-3-3-8-1T @ 2.7v. Put them in a factory fresh board, bios 1/25 (now using the 3/10), using the orange slots (2+4) and it fired right up, not a hiccup. Totally stable and confirmed with prime95 and memtest. I am not running overclocked and I think that is the point. Alot of users buy equipment for varying reasons.


I didn't really care about the "Rocketship" board, I wanted a stable build because it is for friends that don't know a heck of alot about computers. Why I bought the DFI Ultra-D, is because of the component quality (caps, etc.) and the bios options are fantastic. And the wonderful $140 pricetag is a non-issue compared to other 939 non-SLI boards. The $100 value ram paired with a Win3500+ and ATI x800xl, makes for an excellent, cost effective experience.


For a non or sight overclocker, the Corsair VS is just fine. I have read numerous tests on timings, and they don't make a heck of alot of real world difference when near stock speeds. Take a peek at this first thread for some very good info: http://forums.anandtech.com/messageview.as...0&enterthread=y

Although I realize the VS can't be pushed too high compared to LL ram, this testing by Zebo may make you think a little bit more about your next ram purchase.


The value ram in this build will work great for my friends. Nice thing is if they want to push things later down the road, they can sell off the VS and buy some more capable ram. But for now, the machine is rock solid and that is what matters most....


m :)

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i think that's way over 100$ isn't it????

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I used 2x512 Corsair Value on and off with no problems whatsoever until the 310 bios.

They were a good baseline in trying to coax the Balliastix into working.

(RGone did most of the work for me with his recommended settings)

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