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The ULTIMATE MBM 5 Settings/Help Thread


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well screw it, followed directions exactly got some version of mbm installed who know if its the right one, got nothing that displays temperatures, guess I'll take Novi's advice and find someone who "knows a little more about computers" to do it for me

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Dont fret man, i screwed it up when i first did it. I wasnt paying attention (my eyes were a bit bloodshot :P) and i ran the Configuration Wizard :eek:


After you finish installing the app, DONT do anything with the Configuration Wizard (it pops up right after the program finishes installing). Just hit cancel, then reboot. Then you do the replacing of the Data folder upon reboot and start the program once the files are overwritten.


You will find more than enough help here, so dont beat yourself up (unless your into that kinda thing, haha). Slow and steady wins the race :)

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the only thing I can think is that I am not running mbm5370.exe


Ok, Double Click on that file 1st. It will go through the standard program installation.


At the very end of this sequence, it opens the Configuration Wizard. DO NOT do anything in this window, just hit cancel.


At this point, reboot the machine.


When you are back at the desktop, navigate to the MBM5DataFinal.rar (or is it zip) that you downloaded from Here and extract the folder out of the archive. I just extract it to my desktop so its easy to find.


Now you need to rename the folder from MBM5Data to Data (so just remove the MBM5 at the front)


NOw right click the Data folder (that is on your desktop, or wherever you extracted it to) and click Copy


Now if you left the installation directory as the default one, then navigate to C:Program FilesMotherboard Monitor 5.


Inside that directory you will see a folder called Data, along with all the MBM5 installation files. Right click in this folder, and click Paste.


It will say something along the lines of "there is already a folder called Data, do you want to overwrite the files in this folder?" Click Yes, or Yes To All.


Once thats done, your done. Click the MBM5 icon on your desktop (or go through the start menu) and everything should be just peachy.

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Guest LithoTech
I updated the 1st Post in this thread with information/links on other recommended software for monitoring temperatures and voltages.


Other Temperature Programs That May Interest You:

Everest Ultimate 3.50.761 (Beta)




Quick review for Everest. I didn't know this release was a beta. :confused:


There are a couple enhancements that I am quite pleased to see.


1) You can now run the report wizard from the systray icon. This is something that has pestered me for ages, because I noticed that the cache and memory benchmarks run from the tray were always a little better results than running the same tests from the main window or a report wizard. Simply not having the main window up and active must help with performance just a twitch. So now I run all the benches from the report wizard out of the tray. Once it's done, I then open the main window and save all the results. I may also note that before doing this, I usually kill any other unwanted or needed tray apps and any other background apps, keeps for perfect consistancy.


2) The OSD can now be turned off with a single ballot box toggle, instead of wiping out all the sensors activated in the list. In the past I've been saving the everest.ini file with the sensors on, and replacing that into the everest directory when I want the OSD on -- a bit of a PIA, but easy enough to tturn them off, and easy enough to close the app, copy the ini file in and relaunch. Now you don't even have to relaunch.


Now minimizes to sys tray if you click the new smallest icon (or little x icon depending on your theme) at the top of the window.


Sensor data is much improved, with support for dual core and core diode temperatures. Bravo!! :tooth:


The Logitech G15 LCD support works, although a little clumbsy. After playing with it for a short period, then disabled it as it is far inferior to the setup I have already in place using MBM and MBM2G15. Inferior not so much in the interface, but mostly in the data presentation and how much data you can fit on the screen. It is a lot easier to set up for sure, so if one doesn't already have MBM and MBM2G15 working, this is a very quick and easy way of getting valuable sensor data on your LCD.


I haven't tried the External Applications feature, no need for it really. But again, I can see some situations where it could be very handy, and save a lot of time in setup.


The main thing about Everest and these last two issues, is that Everest pretty much comes out of the box setup and ready to go, reading all the sensor data of any given motherboard. It is this reason that Everest is the first app I install on a fresh OS, it gives me my temps within seconds of hitting the desktop! :nod:




I am still awaiting a few more features that I am desperate for:


1) Auto saving results for benchmarks run from the report wizard. It gets very tedious having to "Add Results to User List" 10 freaking times every damn time I run a report. Yes, I want all the data saved, yes every time I run a report... I delete the unwanted ones later. This really needs to be automated, and it is ludacris that it isn't already. We need the option to add custom names to the results too, so they can't skimp on this as well.


2) More on the User Results: I would very much like to be able to export the entire list of data to a file. As it stands, you can select items from the menu, but there is no copy command, no export, just delete! Gahhh!


3) It sure would be nice if Everest could combine installs/results/configs from other systems. I realise one can simply carry an Everest folder on a prtable drive from system to system, running reports and saving results, setting up the system info in the custom components section for each. But what about situations where the install is already there and tons of work already done, and you want to combine them with another similar install? As far as I can tell, you are poop out of luck.




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Hi there! I'm not have DFI MB, but I use Plugin for MBM5 MBM5Rivatuner v.7.22 and i have a problem - MBM shows temp of GPU, but don't show GPU ambient temp (shows "0" - in MBM all OK: set Custom, etc.). Everest shows all temps... Help!

My video Gigabyte 6600GT

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Make sure MBM5 is open all the way and set sensors 21, 22, 23 and 24 to custom and make sure you click show in dashboard. They are probably hidden, and don't forget to right click MBM5 in system tray and make sure you start the plug in. all the info and links you need are in first post. Post back if you need help.


But don't post back until you complete a signature. no matter what mobo you are using or the posts will be deleted :D

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#21 is your memory clock

#22 is your core clock

#23 is for 2nd Card in SLI Memory

#24 is for 2nd Card in SLI Core

#25 is your GPU Temp

#26 is for 2nd Card in SLI GPU Temp


I don't think _xhp_'s program will read the GPU Ambient


So you can uncheck 23, 24,and 26 telling them NOT to display in the Dashboard.

If you click on the little padlock on the right side it will "unlock". Then you can move the sensors around where ever you wish. Then click and "lock' the little padlock and you can move the whole dashboard around again.


And I believe on your board Everest is displaying PWMIC as motherboard and the Chipset as CPU #1


Hope that helps :)

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#21 is your memory clock

#22 is your core clock

#23 is for 2nd Card in SLI Memory

#24 is for 2nd Card in SLI Core

#25 is your GPU Temp

#26 is for 2nd Card in SLI GPU Temp


I don't think _xhp_'s program will read the GPU Ambient


So you can uncheck 23, 24,and 26 telling them NOT to display in the Dashboard.

If you click on the little padlock on the right side it will "unlock". Then you can move the sensors around where ever you wish. Then click and "lock' the little padlock and you can move the whole dashboard around again.


And I believe on your board Everest is displaying PWMIC as motherboard and the Chipset as CPU #1


Hope that helps :)



I've finally got all my readings right. I went into dashboard settings, System Info, clicked on sysinfo at bottom and was able to get all my temps from my hard drives (sata and pata) and vid gpu . Thanks for this great thread!!! (even got the ctrl-alt-m thingy to work.)

Here's my png to prove it can be done, running at 100 percent:


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