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Maxtor 160GB drive on sale at Staples


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Maxtor L01P160 160GB 7200RPM 8MB ATA-133 1 year warranty $64.94 web or store.


Staples link




Staples item number 504516 plus coupon code 86506


Same drive on the egg $111.76







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Thanks for the heads-up Roadie! :) That is a helluva price for a 160gb. It so happens that I'm in the market for another HD, since my old slave Fujitsu bit the dust last night. You can't beat that for the price, even cheaper than those WDs that Best Buy was running on special a few months ago (120gb for $100-$50 rebate=$50 total). Only downfal is that you had to wait 6 weeks for rebate check.


Is the Maxtor special straight prices, with no rebates to send off? If so, that it super...instant savings.


Thanks again,



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Order 1 of 1

Pending approval of your order, the following item(s) will be delivered.


SKU: 504516

Description: INTERNAL 160GB 7200RPM

Qty: 1

Price(Each): $94.94

Scheduled delivery 1/28/2005 by UPS


Merchandise Total: $94.94

Delivery Fee: $0.00

Coupon 86506: -$25.00 Staples Coupon

Total Tax: $4.20




Order Total: $74.14


only thing i wish is that it was a SATA drive instead...but hey...its 160GB!

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Nice! :)


Looks like I'm on the way to being broke again! :(


A new Samsung CRT, a new 160gb HD.....when will it end?



But it's hard to pass up a good deal, especially if you are a tightwad like myself. Now I know what my wife means after a day of shopping. She comes home with an assload of stuff...I used to ask her "Did you really have to buy all this stuff?". She would always reply..."It was on sale, I couldn't pass it up."


From now on, I can't say anything to her about her shopping habits, I am now just as guilty. ;)



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heh yeah thats me...I dont NEED this drive...especially since it is a PATA drive...




i CANT pass up that price...that is just too good ;)


i got to NOT spend anything else for at least 60 more days...taxes are coming up and this year Mr Government is asking me for a very large chunk...

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Speaking of "chunk".


Guy walks into a bar. The bartender asks him what'll he have. The guy says "anything but a Corona".


The bartender thinks for a second then makes him a Bloody Mary.


When the guy finishes his drink the bartender asks again. "Anything but a Corona".


The bartender thinks for a second then makes him a Martini.


When the guy finishes his drink the bartender asks again. "Anything but a Corona".


The bartender thinks for a second then makes him a White Russian.


As the bartender pushes the drink across the bar he asks, "why anything but a Corona"?!


The guy looks up and says, "I had ten Corona's last night and ended up blowing chunks".


The bartender says, "if you drink too much of anything you'll end up blowing chunks".


The guy places his head on the bar and sobs, "you don't understand, Chunks is my dog"!

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My local store is expecting 17 more units Wednesday afternoon.


I'm buying seven to build a storage array. The cost per GB is so low at $.40 per.


I have a gigabit switch, an old ATX server case, an ECS K7S5A mobo with an Athlon 2000+ CPU and two PCI ATA-133 controllers with four ports.


After deducting for overhead I should end up with just over a terabyte of storage for the slide collection I inherited from my Mom. My Nikon slide scanner is being delivered Friday. Got if from a guy that didn't know what he had.


I also picked up a used DLT tape drive and media at an auction for $10.00. As soon as I can scrounge up a SCSI card, I'll use it for offline storage.

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One thousand sixty-four gigabytes.


One million sixty-four thousand megabytes.




$507.00 including tax for the seven drives.


I paid $499.00 for my first 40 Megabyte drive in 1988. My how time flies?!


Seven 160GB Maxtor drives on two ATA-133 four port controllers. It took just over an hour to format. I'm running Windows Server 2003 with all updates applied.


See post above for more particulars if needed.

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